Chapter Fifteen- Justice?

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*Tyler's POV*

As I pulled into my driveway, it was as if things started to move in slow motion. There were five police cars surrounding my place. The front door was wide open and moments the officers came out, dragging Derek by his shirt. His legs scrapped against the ground as he tossed and turned trying to release himself from their harsh grip.
Hurriedly, I approached one of the officers and asked why he was getting arrested. Apparently last night Derek ran into the kid Jessica had sex with. The two of them fought and the guy pressed charges for his injuries. Maybe he should just learn how to fight right? Right. Dontae dashed down the yard towards the car Derek was being stuffed into, getting knocked down and held to the ground by an officer.
"I'm going to follow them to the precinct and see if there's anything I can do." I said to Desiray as I jumped back into my truck.


     "Aggravated assault and battery?! He didn't attack the kid! It was a fist fight officer!" I exclaimed to the officer who I knew wasn't paying me any attention. He shrugged me off and continued his paperwork. I let out a deep, frustrated breathe. What do I do next? Derek can get arrested at my house for a fight but the cops can't arrest the girl that shot me? So much for "protect and serve".
     I ran my fingers through my hair as I waited for my cup of water to fill up. As I lifted my head up I saw her. I dropped the cup and my feet began to move. I didn't realize what had come over me. My emotions went from fear, to hurt, to anger, then to complete blinding rage.

*Narrator's POV*
      Before she knew it Tyler had pushed Demi back through the door she came through and out into the street. She picked Demi up by her shirt and slammed her into a car, delivering connecting blow after blow to her face. Demi tried to fight back but failed. 
     Out of a parked car came Kayla and Desiray, desperately trying to pull Tyler off of Demi.
     Eventually, Desiray got Ty away with the help of an officer. But, Desiray tried to push him off of her as he held her head tightly against the concrete and placed handcuffs on her wrists.
The brawl caught the attention of many people walking and drinking by, so when Desiray asked for an opportunity to talk to Tyler the officer was left with no choice but to let her.

"Tyler what the hell was that?!" Desiray asked as she helped Tyler sit up.

"That's her.. that's the girl that shot me. They haven't arrested her but she can just walk into the precinct like she's innocent?!"

"Tyler now they're probably going to put you into custody what were you thinking!?"

"I wasn't thinking. I want to see her dead."

"You don't--" Desiray started as she was cut off.

"Yes I do. I want her dead. I want to be the one that kills her."

"Baby you won't be able to function with that on your conscience!" She exclaimed as she caressed Tyler's cheek slowly.

"I can't function now..."

And with that the officer picked Tyler up and carried her away.


To be continued.

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