Chapter Twelve - Journals

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The sun began to set and the ocean tides began to slow. The current view of the beach was beautiful and calm, no people, a few birds chirping around, maybe a turtle or two just wading around... except for in one spot. Near one of the docks... was a trail of empty bottles that led to a cabin.

When you walked inside the scene was almost horrifying. Things were thrown around... the room reeked of alcohol and weed.. you'd think that somebody had robbed the place.

Tyler was laid out across the table ontop of her notebook. In it, she had written all her troubles from this year... getting shot, her mother dying, her love life... everything.

Her body appeared almost motionless.

Nobody had seen or heard from Tyler for several hours. But almost everyone agreed that she needed some space and decided to leave her alone.

*Around Midnight*

Desiray hesitantly made her way towards the cabin door after following the trail of bottles with her flashlight. The winter breeze left her cold and she was disappointed when she came inside and it was just as cold. She searches with her flashlight for the matchbox and lit the fireplace.

She took a deep breath and sighed as the room began to light up and she noticed Tyler laid across the table .

*Desiray's POV*

I don't know how long she had been here... or how long it took her to go through all of these bottles.... but honestly if I wasn't close enough to hear her slow, soft breaths, I would've thought she was dead. I placed my hand on her arm and flinched at how cold her skin was... I found a large blanket in the back and covered her body with it.

Then i noticed the notebook she was laying on.

I gently slid it from underneath her and began to read it.

"It's no point in being here anymore... there's nothing here for me. I can't handle the nightmares, the physical  pain from my wounds, the emotional scars that constantly terrorize my mind.. I CANT ! Nothing is working man ... no amount of medication, no amount of therapy, and no amount of support is changing a damn thing that's wrong with me. I can't handle myself anymore. I want revenge even if I die trying! But is it worth it? Or maybe this is gods way of reminding me that I'm a mistake... that I was an accident and I wasn't meant to be here, that all my actions are a huge disappointment and I no longer deserve life.

Whatever it is the message is clear... I don't know how many bottles I've gone through while sitting here but that's fine too... I'd rather drown myself in liquor than wake up and see another day. If this doesn't work there's always a gun somewhere..."

I slammed the notebook shut and closed my eyes, fighting back my burning tears. I just couldn't read on.....


To be continued...

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