Chapter Three- Power Trip

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**The title's will make so much sense eventually**

Jessica showered as soon as she got to Tyler's house. The two of them sat and talked for what felt like hours about everything. To Jessica, it was almost as if the situation never happened. There was a smile on Tyler's face, and most of her shine was coming back, then again... until it faded after Jessica informed her of her family trip.

"Tyler I just found out last night..."

"You're gonna be gone until after New Years what am I supposed to do?"

"Me and my dad really don't want to stay that long so we might come back New Years Eve or the day before."

Tyler let out a frustrated sigh and laid back on her bed. Jessica laid next to her a ran her fingers against Tyler's jawline, making her face her. She leaned in and kissed her slowly, every kiss felt just like the last to Jessica with Tyler. She felt like she was starting to love her more and more everyday. The feelings these two had for each other were undeniable. Tyler saw no reason to even look in the direction of another female when everything she thought she was right here in her bedroom. Jessica made her heart skips beats, whether she showed it or not she made bad days better. Every moment they were spending together made all the recent pain and anger almost disappear. That's why she didn't want her to leave. She had no idea of her plan to kill Demi, but part of Tyler was hoping that Jessica's comfort was enough to push the thoughts away.

They spent the night together, watching every Nicholas Sparks novel based movie and eating ice cream and junk food together. This level of comfort in a relationship was all these two needed.


**With Demi**

"Tristan you cannot mess this trip up, you have to get in her pants before she comes back."

"How am I supposed to do that?!" Tristan exclaimed pacing around the room. "I don't see why you have to use Jessica to get to Tyler, why not just get Tyler while she's still down?"

"Using Jessica will break her heart..I broke her once, i break her harder this time, then I finish her off."

"You SHOT her! Haven't you done enough?!"

Demi charged at him pointing a gun to his head and throwing him against the wall. Demi was psychotically possessive and overly assertive. Her obsession with seeing Tyler down drove her to do any and everything to see her out of the picture. See, Demi had a plan. Tristan would find a way to earn Jessica's trust, but he will abuse that trust and try to get Jessica to cheat. Demi wants Tristan to get her alone with a hidden camera in the room and the moment that Jessica is back home, everything will be sent to Tyler.

But breaking Tyler was only the first step, some way.... some how...Demi believed that she would catch Tyler alone. She believed that this time she would get the kill shot.

"Either you do this, and you do it well, or you AND Tyler can lay at the bottom the the Atlantic Ocean."

"Fine...and what if you get caught?"

And with a evil grin she said,"I always have a plan."


Revenge, anger, and obsession. These all seem to be blurring the common sense lines in everyone's head. But when are we as people going to think about others instead of just ourselves? Is it ever really worth it? Seeing lives broken, tearing people apart, losing yourself, breaking the law, ending up in jail or dead? When are we going to make this world a better place to live in... when are we going to think about other's first. When is the next person's life actually going to be valued?


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