Chapter Thirteen- Don't Fall Part 1

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As Desiray read on she came to a section about herself and Jessica. Every word about Jessica was hateful. She blamed Jessica for breaking her heart, getting her shot and driving her into depression. But... oddly enough she began to switch gears and blamed herself.

"I regret nothing that I did for her. If fighting,taking bullets and losing my memory meant that I protected someone's life then I'm okay with that. But what did I do to deserve it? What did do that made god say 'I want her to watch this girl fuck somebody else.' Huh? Why god? I understand that I've done so much wrong but I've tried to do so much good... was it because I've taken lives? Yes that's wrong but who wouldn't go to the extreme to protect the ones they love or themselves?!

Honestly I think that I would have killed somebody by now with no hesitation if it wasn't for Desiray. Ever since I met her she made me feel comfortable, I felt like I could be the side of me that nobody else sees or pays attention too..
I'm the moments where I felt completely soulless and heartless she made me feel a little warm.

The sad part is... if we ever could have been something, I won't be around to know."

By now there were heavy tears streaming down Desiray's face. She walked over to Tyler and leaned down to make sure she was still breathing.

Desiray sat next to Tyler and rubbed her back slowly as she laid her head against her shoulder.

Tyler's body was almost completely still and Desiray couldn't help but to think that she was slowly dying. She pulled out her phone and called an ambulance.

About half an hour later two paramedics walked in and carefully put Tyler's body on a gurney and transported her to the hospital. Desiray followed.

*10 hours later*

Besides the hour that she took to go home, shower, and pick up Kayla, Desiray sat in the waiting room anxiously waiting for any news.

The hospital was quiet and empty like an abandoned ghost town. She walked over to the window of Tyler's room and watched her sleep. Two nurses were in the room taking blood and doing tests and when one of the nurses slide the needle into her arm her eyes shot open as if the needle was a "wake up" serum. The way Tyler fought to get up seemed worse than the patients of Eichen House. She kicked, screamed, punched and lost none of the momentum when three more entered the room trying to contain her.

Eventually they had her strapped down to the bed and injected her with something that made her instantly fall asleep.

They began to take her towards the back of the hospital, ignoring all questions from Desiray and Kayla.

"Where are you taking her?"
"When can we take her home?"
"What was in that needle?"
"Is she going to be okay??"
Still nothing.

They disappeared behind a set of double doors leaving the two girls to be stopped by security.


To be continued

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