chapter 2

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September 8th
an early morning

" wow y/n you're actually up early for once.
hm let me guess what is it? Your lunch date with Suga? Or is it Volleyball practice? You know I don't think they fixed the other net so who knows maybe we'll be forced to practice with you, and you know what that means. More Suga for y/n ~" yamaguchi half sings the last part while blocking the bathroom door

" shut up yamaguchi! I had a good rest last night, you know nothing at all!" I crawl under his arm to escape, blushing by the sudden suga mentions.

" y/n why do you take such hot showers!? Its so hot in heeerreeeeee" Yamaguchi whines.

Walking to school we meet up with tsukki at the usual spot about 7 minutes away from karasuno.

" morning yamaguchi and younger sister of yamaguchi." Tsukki says not looking toward any of us.
Yamaguchi greets him back, while I pretend I didn't hear anything.

Finally we're in school and on the first years floor, parting ways since me, yamaguchi, and tsukki aren't in the same class.
Aside from the fact that I'm not in their class, I happen to be in Kageyamas class.
Though we don't talk much once in awhile we exchange looks.
    The bell goes off for the morning break which is ten minutes long, I look at the window from my classroom to see couple of girls and boy the volleyball team rallying.
"kageyama! Lets go outside and play with them" I grab kageyama and rush outside our classroom.
" wait wha-" kageyama processing the fact that we're already outside.
" well if it isn't the younger sister of yamaguchi and the king of the court, welcome" tsukki says sitting down with yamaguchi watching the rally.
" shut up" kageyama and I say at the same time.
"Y/N get ready to receive this spike!" One of the second year girls say.
They spiked it and I saved it perfectly.
" nice save y/n!" Sugawara walks up to join the rally.
" huh? Oh yeah thanks " I smile.
     The rally continues on for the rest of the break.
After break was second period which was P.E,
Our P.E was combined with another first year class, class 4 which was my brothers and tsukki's class.
Our gym teacher had us either play soccer or run the track, after p.e we had a study period, I went to the library with my friend yachi.
The day goes on and so we get closer to lunch, lunch with suga.
soon the bell rang signalling its lunch break, I remembered Sugawara and I didn't talk about where we were going to meet up.
I spent 15 minutes looking for him, then  I finally found him outside.
" y/n there you are, I've been looking for you all  this time, kageyama said you went to the cafeteria and you weren't ther-"

" it's okay suga, I was looking for you too. All that matters is that we finally found each other " I laugh, cutting off suga.

" oh yeah, shall we sit down then?" Suga laughs scratching his head.

I nod, we sit down and it was quiet for a moment.
" so uh how was class?" I speak up, not wanting to waste anymore time.

" oh class? Nothing interesting, just the same old stuff, how was class for you?" Sugawara looks toward me.

" It was okay, same nothing new happened either." I look away up at the clouds.

Sugawara follows, he looks to the clouds too.
" look that cloud looks like a duck" I point.

"huh. It does, doesn't that cloud look like a person?" Sugawara taps me to look at another cloud.

We stare at the clouds in quiet before we hear tanaka and nishinoya.

" SUGAAAAAAAAAA" nishinoya yells.

" WE'VE BEEN LOOKING FOR YOU SINCE FOREVER WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN" not noticing me sitting right beside him.

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