Chapter Thirty

Beginne am Anfang

"I want to! It's all I ask!" He sounded so weak, so vulnerable as he continued to fight against me with his shoulder. "Just let me go!" He was cutting deeper up his arm as I tried again.

"Drop the blade, Bradley! This isn't what you need!"

"I need to die!" He croaked and he sounded so lost, so broken that it made me break. All my adrenaline was gone and the grey went away, leaving me to fight for him in completely darkness.

"Please, I need you!" I sobbed and reached around him again. His blood was going to quickly. He was going to die.

"No, you don't! No one needs me! Please just let me die! I'm so close, too close to stop now!" He yelled in a scratchy voice. He's too far gone.

"Let me help you! I can do it." I knew I couldn't, but I need to try for him.

"Let go of me!" He pushed his shoulder harder into my chest and the air left me. Not emotionally or mentally, I physically was hurt, but I need to keep trying for him.

"I'll never let you go!" I gasped and tried to hug him tighter to me. He kept hitting me, kicking until I heard metal hit the ground; he had lost the blade. He whimpered in extreme sadness disappointment and I heard metal scrapping, him trying to get the blade with his foot. I wrapped my arm under his legs and he screamed in suffering as I flinched, apologizing. I was so much smaller than him that even to move his legs, I was struggling. I got them horizontal across my lap before he tucked them against himself. I unwrapped them and replaced them with my own.

"Please, May. Just let me go." He begged desperately, his breathing slowing down. He was so vulnerable in this moment, it terrified me. I felt his heart beat against my hands, it fast and frantic to try to pump more blood through his body.

"I can't." I croaked. I know he will forever hate himself and I'm selfish for trying to keep him with me.



I was cradled in between May's legs, my head against her rapid heart and her arms tightly around my shaking figure as I still weakly tried to break away.

"Just please." I begged more, crying into her chest.

"I won't ever let you go. No matter how much you beg, I won't. I need you."-she gulped-"I love you and I need you." She carefully rocked me back and forth.

My crying stopped faintly as I tilted my head up to stare with tear filled eyes at the girl...who was touching me. Her messy blonde hair had red spots and her pink, puffy cheeks shared the color; blood. Her beautiful sea glass eyes stared forward as usual, but they were wet and red instead of white. She was shaking violently, her teeth chattering when she hiccuped for air quietly.

"I won't let you go." I could hear the double meaning in her words.

That's when it hit me fully.

This soulful, beautiful girl, who lost so much in her life, loved me and was holding me. I loved her more than anything. Call us Romeo and Juliet, but I loved her. She was hugging me so close I could hear her heart beat and feel her breathing as she rocked me on the cold white tile of the bathroom, and I wasn't screaming. I felt warm.

It was silent for a moment as I stared at her, she stared at the wall and my brain worked hard.

I grabbed her hand from around me.

"Please-" she started to cry again until I brought her shaking, small hand to my face. She gasped softly when she realized what I was doing.

I was letting May feel my face.

She smiled and let out one small gust of air as her hand roamed from my forehead to my nose, over my eyelashes, she reached my lips and stroked my sweaty hair.

"You're my happy little pill." I muttered against her fingers before closing my eyes.



I want die.
The happy little pill part was Ed's idea
I also kinda imagined their screaming like Tate Langdon's in American Horror Story when Violet leaves him. (Hope that's the right video lmao)


our fall in may||BWS (completed)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt