Chapter 9

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I explore the big room that I guess,I live now. Am I in a coma right now? What's happening to me right now? What's happening in real life? I close my eyes and open them again. Can't I? Go back? And the marriage..what am I going to do? Can I...escape? I run out of the room and dash out in the hallway. "Hey! You!" I flinch and stop running. "Hmm?" I turn around to see someone standing there. "Hello Miss. Cayz. I am Guard Justus, and where are you going? Planning to run-away aren't you?" He looks at me with stern eyes. "Why? Do you have brain reading thing?" I mess up on my words but he understood what I meant. "No I don't have mind-Read or mind control." Justus says. "Well, I wasn't escaping, Justus. I am exploring." "Why were you running?" "Because it's a big palace." "Why--" " Mind your own business, Justus!" I yell at him. "Get over here Miss. Cayz.. becareful.." He points his glowing sword at me. "Come at me bruh! Fight me!" I point at him and he runs towards me with his sword in the air. "Stop right there, Justus. You are not killing my brother's fiancé." Someone from behind freezes Justus right in front of me. "Good afternoon, Miss. Cayz. I am Everette, June's brother." Everette says and Sudie comes right behind me, grabs me as soon as Everette unleashes Justus. Justus just looks around and sees me. He comes right toward me with his green glowing sword. "Prepare to die with my toxic sword!" "Stop right there." I gushing out of someone right in front of me. "Please. Take out your sword out of my body, Sir. Justus." Someone who was invisible came visible right in front of my eyes. Everette pulls me backwards into his chest and Sudie standing besides him. "Please. Miss. Cayz. I am truly sorry to what I did to you. I am Ragmir, one of the boys who kidnapped you. I'm also your protector from now on." Ragmir says. I growl at him in anger. But I relax. " I accept your apology, Sir. Ragmir." "Please, call me Ragmir." Ragmir says again. "Uh okay." Everette lets go of my shoulder and stands besides the gold-bleeding Ragmir. "Justus, since you were trying to kill my brother's fiancé and put a sword through Ragmir, you are being sent to the cells where you are going to be held. In a few days, you will be executed." Everette says and Lucretia and Theodis grabs his hands into a arrest kind of way, puts handcuffs on him, and leads him to the cells. Everette grabs my shoulder. "You must come with. I must show you around." He gets Ragmir and Sudie come with and we go down to the cells.

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