Chapter 6

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Something brightens the dark area. Someone takes off the bag and the light is showing very bright in my face. I look around me and see the boys who kidnapped me. "What the hell!?" I scream trying to move but I was stuck where I was. I was sitting in a metal chair with my arms and legs stuck to it. "Get me the f*** out of here!!" I scream and trying to get the hell out of the chair. "Your not going anywhere, Cayenne." Ultra says circling me. "Who the hell are you!?" I yell remembering that Ultra isn't the real Ultra I know. "Ive told you." Fake Ultra says. "Actually you didn't." The fake Titanium says. "Shut the F*** up Rogmar." Ultra says. "I-I'm sorry, Izmir." Rigmar hesitates and looks up at Izmir. "Who the hell are you and what the hell am I doing here!?" I scream at the top of my lungs. "Since you found out our secret.." someone from the darkness appears. "Ah, Acnik, I wondered where you went." Rigmar says. "Thanks Rigmar." Ancik says. "As I was saying, since you, Cayenne, found out our secret, you will be living here forever and never escaping and, will be forced to marry, June." Ancik finishes. "We were basically looking for a beautiful girl and we ran into you so we pretended to be your real friends." Another shadow person says. "YOU'VE BEEN STALKING ME IN REAL LIFE?? HOW THE HELL DID YOU GET INTO MY NIGHTMARES??" I scream with shock and frighten. "Icenia, can you explain?" Ragmir signs. "Well, Miss. Cayenne, we know you in real life, we've been watching you grow since you were little, and welcome to the royal family!" Icenia squeals with excitement. "H-Hello Miss. Cayenne. I-I'm June.." June hesitates and looks at me at the same time looking down at the ground. I sensed that he was guilty. "I glare at Ragmir. I f***in' hate you, bastard." I run towards him and punch him right in the face. He tumbles back and Icenia and some other idiot grabs onto me before I go any further of killing him. "Who let Cayenne free?" Rigmar yells in anger as he stumbles back up. "I'll kill you one day, Rigmar.." I hiss while I walk away with Icenia and that other idiot. "Hey, Uniqo, make sure to take care of Miss. Cayenne. Soon to be, Queen Cayenne." Rigmar gets a ice pack and places it on his bruised face.

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