Chapter 1

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"Cayenne!!!" Montana yells at me. "W-What??" I mumble. I had fallen asleep during class and I looked around noticing everyone is gone but Montana was waiting for me. "How was your dream of yours?" Montana asks while I grab my stuff out of my locker and walk down the hallway towards the cafeteria. "Mmmm..the usual. I saw this guy in the shadows and we were under a palm tree when the sun was going down. It was soo romantic!!" I brag to Montana. It was my usual thing during these romantic dreams. They always continue everytime I fall asleep. Its like, they stop at a certain point and I wake up. Then when I go back to sleep, they left off where they stopped. Its pretty cool when you think about it. "Cayenne! Watch out!" I hear Montana yell at me and I pop out of my day-dream to realize what was going on. But, that was a bit too late. I hit my head against a door and fall backwards while my stuff + lunch box lands on the ground and scatters all over the floor. "Cayenne, your so stubborn." Montana helps me pick up my stuff and gives it to me. "You need to watch where your going you know. One day, you'll day-dream and walk right off the cliff." Montana jokes around which makes me laugh. "Wow Montana. You really think so?" "Yea, Cayenne. You should watch where your walking." Too late again. I was day-dreaming and I walk right into Elf Ears. "Omg! I'm soooooo sorry! I didn't watch where I was walking again!" I say to him. "Its okay, Michigan. Next time WATCH where your going." Elf Ears says in his strong voice . "He just had to point that out. Ughhhhh!!" I say frustrated. "Oh Cayenne, how nice it is to have such handsome male-friend. Espically Elf Ears." Montana starts to day-dream. Oh great. Here we go again. I stand looking at her walk right into the same door I just ran into. "Ouch...Cayenne! Why didn't you tell me??" Yep, she always blames me for that stuff. Whenever she starts to have a day-dream, she always in the lovely and happy mood then she hits something and blames me. I can't get her out of the feeling on 'Happiness' so I just let the surrounding stop her.

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