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Amelia's POV

He was ignoring us... well me.

That night he wouldn't answer any of my calls, wouldn't reply to any text but he read them all. How the hell am I supposed to help if he won't even tell me what happened in between those few hours?

The next day he didn't show up at school and it made me uncomfortable to say the least. My friends looked to me for answers I couldn't even give.

I told myself if he didn't come today, I would go to his house after school to talk.

He came halfway through second bell but sat by himself. He gave me one glance and that was it. It continued like that through third bell too. Students gave wary looks because of the awkward divide between us and I hated it.

Lunch came and he's sitting by himself again. I want to confront him but I have to work up the courage. His eyes look different now. The bags under his eyes lay heavy and his skin stained red under his bottom row of lashes. He had been crying.

"Go talk to him. I know it's killing you." Krista demands.

My legs feel weak as I stand from my seat. I take baby steps towards his table, he's watching me get closer the entire time. I pull out the seat next to him and he doesn't make a move to leave. His fingers are tightly clasped together on the table, his bruised knuckles turn white.

"Talk to me Milo, please."

"About what?" He scoffs.

"Maybe about why you're being rude and avoiding me?"

"Like you actually give a shit."

"I do, or else I wouldn't be here right now."

"No, you're here because you pity me."

"Who is putting this in your head, we were fine not too long ago, what happened?"

"Oh you mean when you decided to fuck me?" He raises a mocking eyebrow.

"Why are you talking to me like this?" I feel my eyes get blurry with angry tears.

"Hey what's going on over here?" Xavier intervenes.

"Look your little boyfriend is coming to save the day."

"Dude what the hell are you talking about?"

"Don't act stupid, I know you fucked her too!" He points at him.

My heart stopped and I think Xavier's did too. The chattering in the room turned to whispers.

"What, don't have anything to say now?" He looks back an forth between us. His own eyes began to brim with tears.

"How did you-"

"Does it matter, honestly? You cheated on me with my own friend."

"Yes it does, because I didn't cheat on you!"

"You took my fucking virginity and for a small while, I thought I took yours too. Only to find out that he beat me to it. Do you have any idea how I feel right now?" He glares at me. "And you, you're so fucked up- you're the one that encouraged me to go after her in the first place!" He yells at Xavier.

Man did we have an audience now, everyone tuned in to this cringy soap opera. Mouths open in shock, some looks of pity, most likely for Milo. Then there was one smirk, Fiona Wyeth.

"I knew you liked her, I was trying to help you stop being a hard ass weirdo!"

"By not telling me you liked her too?"

I look over at Krista who looked like she would break at any second. Did Xavier tell her his feelings yet? Did she realize she liked him back? If so she probably hates us right now too.

I need to get out of here, away from this shitstorm that I can no longer control, I'm not wanted here anyway. To the senior population I was probably labeled a slut already in their minds. I was never going to get to explain anytime soon. Accusations and rumors were already spreading, I couldn't stop it now.

I stand from the seat and quickly push through the crowd. I still felt suffocated, I need air.

I walk out of the school through the side door and sit on the hood of my car. I don't even care if staff see me, I don't care about anything. I just keep picturing Milo's red eyes. His red cheeks. His red nose. Everything that made him look vulnerable and broken.

I had a mission: Talk to Fiona Wyeth.

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