Date Night (part 2)/ Morning After

Start from the beginning

Then I felt two hands on my ass. 

"It's 6 AM, it's too early, Tiana."

"Oh, hush." Tiana began to taste me from the back. "Are you going to school, now?"

"No, I hate it." I said, sort of moaning.

Then she went harder with her tongue.

"Okay, fine, fine, fine."

She finished when I climaxed, at around 6:35.

"Come on, I can't be late. After that suspension and being out a whole nother week, my grades are suffering."

"Alright, alright."

Two hours later, first period ends. I hated first period, man. I had to spend it sitting next to Gabby. She was still pissed off about the break up, and the fact that I'm with Tiana now. 

"You know, I'm still upset at how you did  me."

"Oh my f-- .. I didn't do you any type of way." I whispered angrily. We were supposed to be doing our work silently, but our class was still very much loud. I just didn't want everyone in our conversation.

"You're with the very person you said you didn't have anything with, Gwen. You lied."

"No, I didn't. I told you what it was when you asked me. We didn't kiss, fuck, none of that before or while I was with you. Don't call me a liar because you're in your damn feelings."

"So, how did you hop into a relationship right after we broke up, then?"

"Gabby, please know what your facts if you're gonna use them against me. First, after we broke up, I told Tiana we were done. We had an argument and didn't speak for a couple days. I went to her house, found another girl there, and essentially got dissed. And then I was in the hospital. I didn't just jump into a fucking relationship. And guess the fuck what?" I seethed. "My mom came and saw me, so did my dad, my brother from out of fucking town, Megan came and saw me, and even though I told her I hated her, Tiana was there every day. Where was yo ass at?"

No answer.

"I didn't fucking think so."

She was mad at me and had no right to be.

I never once lied to her about my feelings for Tiana.

I never once kissed/humped Tiana until the coma.

We were done before the coma. So, that was none of her damn business.

I hated that she was so jealous, still, like she even cared.

A person that cared would have came to the hospital to visit me, or have sent me something.

Even Owen gave me some damn candy.

Other than a sympathetic look the day I came back, Gabby never asked me if I was okay from what happened. Even though the answer was obviously 'yes', she still didn't show too much concern about me.

So, what I do with Tiana shouldn't be any of her concern, either.

Even though I was annoyed at Gabby, I really couldn't be too mad at her.

If it weren't for her, I probably wouldn't have ever tried girls.

That's a lie, I probably would've wanted to down the road, but I'm glad I know that I do like girls.

Am I lesbian? No, probably not. I'll probably always be sexually attracted to both sexes, but I don't even plan on ever being with a boy again. Nor do I plan to get with another girl. I plan to stay with Tiana, honestly. 


(Author's Note)

I'll probably do another chapter, and then I think that'll be the end of this book. Not to worry, though, because I'll make a sequel and that shit will be much crazier than this one.

Check out my other LGBT books:

Micki Wall, Matchmaker (stud on stud)

Diamond in the Rough ( domestic abuse)

Remy & Rae (stud on stud)

Chillin' Like A Villain in Vegas (stud on stud, adventure)

Additional to that, I'm already in the beginning stages of a book about roommates.

I don't think I'll everrrr stop writing, lol.

Thanks for all the votes/comments, guys.


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