Saturday Afternoon

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"I like your hair." Gabby said to me, the next day. My hair was an insanely curly afro. We were at the local elementary school, heading to the playground because neither of us had anything to do, outside of babysitting. My next door neighbor, Carol Kinney, has a four year old daughter, Lyn that I babysit at least twice a week.

"Thanks," I said, gripping Gabby's brother's hand.

"Gavin, quit it!"

Gavin kept trying pulling away from me to run ahead to the park.

"Ah, Hell. Let him go. We're only a couple feet away." Gabby said.

I shrug. "Okay, go play, guys." Gavin and Lyn scuttle off in the direction of the slides. I spot a table that faces the playground, and we sit there.

"Lyn is so cute." Gabby gushes. I crack a smile. "She is, isn't she? The fact that's she's my name twin makes me love her even more."

"Her name is Lynn, though."

"Yeah, but with one 'n' ... Gwen-doh-Lyn."

"Oh," Gabby says, facepalming herself. I roll my eyes in amusement and Gabby begins to talk again.

"The weekend is almost up. You dreadin' it or WHAT?"

"Mannnn. The end of the weekends are always creepin' on us."

It was only Saturday afternoon, but I'll bet Sunday will breeze on by, making it Monday again.

"I hate school and the people in it." She says, chuckling.

"I like school, I just hate that it's in the MORNINGS. I am not a morning person at ALL. Besides, you've gotta have SOMEBODY that you look forward to seeing at school every day."

Gwen goes deep into thought.

"Well, I look forward to seeing YOU every day." she says, looking after Lyn and Gavin.

I smile. "Likewise, but I mean someone you just have this big ol' huge crush on." I thought of Marcus. A big KoolAid smile came across my face.

"Oh, really? who you trying to get with?"

I push my curls back and sigh dreamily.

"Marcus Allen Delaney." Gabby smirks.

"There a boy you crushin' on here?" I ask.


"Word? Tons of handsome dudes out here."

"Yeah, but I-" Gavin comes rushing out of nowhere, cutting Gabby off midsentence. "Gabby, Gwenny, come push us!" we look at each other and shrug.

-- A/N: Sorry it's short but Im sort of stuck on this book. Check out my other two if you haven't already. Vote, share, and comment.

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