The demon Lord remain where he formerly levitated at, some scorch marks present on his pitch black cloak. "Busting out your destructive attacks now, huh," Sitri slowly floated down in her level. "then let me."

Sitri raised his left hand above him, with a giant black and white circle appearing above both of them. It was easily the size of the whole left part of the artificial planet the vampire queen's private dimension have. Though the huge orb of ground was smaller than Earth, it's still a planet nonetheless.

"Truth; Armageddon." A humongous pillar of dark light engulfed both of them, along with the better half of their planet. Debris and rocks began to float around them, as the planet started to shake.

Sitri's left eye has turned black.

"So the intel was right," VampMaiden appeared in a sea of bats. "You can destroy a planet if you want to."

"I could destroy you too." Sitri vanished in a split millisecond, and reappeared in front of the blonde. He grabbed her by the neck, all the while gripping it as tight as possible. Letting out a surprised yelp, she clawed the white hand that kept its firm grip at her.

Sitri flew towards the ground, with the vampire in his hand. When they got near enough, he threw her towards the exposed molten core, and with just a single splash, a catastrophic explosion followed. The planet itself gave out, initiating a mini-supernova.

Thinking fast, he erected an another Space Eater barrier, and was left unscathed. The force pushed the demon a kilometer away from his previous position. Swiping his hand, the spherical shield dispersed, showing a narrow-eyed Sitri. "Even though you're the vampire queen, I doubt you also possess Thalia's instant regeneration." He mused.

A reply came to him in the form of a bat, where it seemingly multiplied into three. The three bats then multiplied again, and again, until the winged creatures formed a silhouette of a girl. In a blink, the VampMaiden reappeared, her usual cocky smile still present on her face.

"Throwing a lady with such ferociousness, how barbaric." She covered her mouth, letting out a small giggle. "Here, let me teach you a classy way to fight."

Violet aura started to envelope the blonde, with her hair flaring up a little. With a sinister grin, she let out a terrific amount of vampiric aura. "Eviscerate: Eclipse." Her right eye had turned golden, with her left eye remaining it's original crimson shade.

Sitri hadn't moved for some seconds after her power up, his eyes being foreshadowed by his hair. "It's your turn, Truth. Soul Shift." His lips curled up, and with a slight jerk upwards, his former white orbs were replaced with dark ones.

Before the demon could talk, the vampiress already sped in for an attack. Lifting her foot above her head, she swung it down at Truth's left shoulder, promoting some cracking sound to be emitted there. With a quick switch, she rotated, using her other foot for an another hit to his head this time.

"Feasty little girl." The now turned Truth muttered, not moving an inch even after he got hit by the devastating kick. There's wasn't even a cracking sound this time.

The vampire narrowed her eyes, then speedily floated back some distance away from him. "What happened to you?"

"Me?" Truth cut his own arm from the shoulder, then regenerated it back after some seconds. "Let's just say, I became woman's worst enemy."

The vampire Queen's eyebrow twitched, as she sent in an another attack. "Eviscerate: Slice And Dice." A single finger nail grew to the size of a katana, then with a wicked smirk, proceeded to speed towards the grinning boy.

Kurai Yoru (Darker Night)Where stories live. Discover now