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AND.. Back to your POV:

With the cleansing still going on it felt like my veins were about to explode with agony. Lava was pumping through my body instead of blood. Eventually it ended, everything around us was a moonscape.

"Ah you survived, what a nuisance you're proving to be." The Gate Angels tuts. Approaching closely to me I could only float, trying to regain composure, it was like I had been turned to stone. "Holy Shriek!" It screams, my form being hit against the crumbling bell tower.

Falling I lift out my wings, the smell of burning feathers crawling up my nostrils. "Gates To Heaven!" I scream, the portal opening to the right of me. All my Angels and Gods dashed out attacking the Gate Demon. A smirk etched onto my face, if I can keep opening gates then maybe this'll be a victory to me.

This idea is snuffed out like a candle when I hear its evil laugh echoing across the battle field. It's bony finger stretches out, flicking aside a pegasus which hits a house then disappears. "These are like tiny pebbles being thrown at me. Is this all you can seriously do? Gosh, Achnologia must've been weaker than I thought."

"Holy Cleansing Screen!" A black like structure built around me, caging me in this cube. Cutting though it with my katana, hissing in pain from being touched by it. I look to my right forearm where a piece of skin has broken off as if I was merely a china doll, cracks with red flesh seething behind it.

"Touch a cleansing screen and you'll waste away like you're nothing but a little doll at my command." The Angel cackles. A slash of black crosses my abdomen so I fly backwards.

"Let's end this... Angel Slayer."

The words at the end came out teasingly, like I didn't earn the title at all. A large grey and red slicer appears, plummeting towards me, all I can do is lift up my arms, which offers little protection in any scenario anyway.

But no pain is received.

Looking through the gap in my arms, I see Eclipse holding it back using a sphere like spell, sending it back to the angel who shrieks in agony, crumpling to her knees. My exceed falls to the ground, her body thumping on the rubble before my widened, crying eyes.

"ECLIPSE!!" I scream, diving towards her and landing on the path below the angels screams of pain in the background. Curling my arm around her now exceed body she smiles at me weakly. "What the hell were you thinking?!" I cry out, fresh tears splashing on her nose. "Now now Y/n, that's no way to treat someone who just saved you."

The voice of the angel cuts off my speech. Yanking me up as her bony hand grasps my body making me drop my companion. "ECLIPSE NO!" I scream, my voice coming out hoarse as I see her close her eyes.

'Farewell... partner.' I hear her voice jingle in my head like a thousand tinkling bells.

"NO!" I shout, my voice sounding like a hollow jug. The Angels mighty hands come down on me, my snivelling form sat on one of her palms as the other tries to crush me.

'IT KILLED HER." A raging voice yells in my head. Feeling my eyes burn I know it's time. When I'm fully enclosed, I merge everything, all my forms. Slicing through its fingers it hisses in pain, dropping me like I was a hot potato.

"YOU KILLED HER!" I scream, zipping forward and slicing her jugular. "You killed her, you killed her, you killed her!" Angry tears flow down my cheeks as I hack away at its neck. It's shrieks make me more and more happier.


All my spirits lunge forward tearing into the evil soul in front of me. "MERGED ANGELS SHRIEK!" I add to the damage, though all I see is a black streak heading towards me and laughter in the back round that sounds gargled due to blood.

"Good night Angel Slayer."

It's not a cliffhanger, I just want you guys to be compelled to read more ok? Hope you enjoyed it! Baii <3

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