Allies and Foes

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Your P.O.V:
"I guess this is it!" Erza muttered, glancing at the map and nodding in approval. I laugh at her stern face, she looked at me and smiled. "Natsu, Gray! Wait up!" Lucy called as the boys dashed inside. The house was creepily based on the theme of love. "Umm, who does this belong to again Erza?" I asked, slightly creeped out. "Master of Blue Pegasus, Bob." I sweat dropped, I remember him. "He makes me feel uncomfortable." Gray said shuddering. "Welcome!" We heard voices say, it was dark so we squinted and looked around to find their owners the lights turned on...

Three boys were stood by a grand staircase, one with brown hair, one with blond and one with dark/black. "Ah Titania herself!" The brown one said pulling Erza over to a sofa (which wasn't there before) they were talking to her and complementing her. Erza looked over at me 'help!' she mouthed. I just put my hand over my mouth to smother a laugh. "Oh you're just too cute!" You heard one of the bps say to Lucy, sitting her down next to Erza. "Would you like to freshen up?" They asked her. I hid behind a pillar to avoid them. Natsu and Gray were talking to themselves. "I feel completely under dressed!" Gray yelled. He was only in his boxers so I understand why. And Natsu and Happy we're just talking quietly.

"Boys!" We hear a smooth voice from the top of the staircase. He slides down the bannister. "Men!" He said, posing after every letter. "Don't leave us out of it!" We hear a voice say from behind us.  At the door was a boy with silver hair and a cloak, next to him was a girl with hot pink hair and a pink dress. She giggled at everything he said. Behind them stood a tall man who I recognised to be one of the wizard saints. "Is everyone here?" Erza asks. She suddenly shudders. "Erza, you're parfum is-." Erza had him hung on a spear. "Don't come near me you troll!" She shouts at Ichiya.

"Quieten down!" The wizard saint booms. "We are missing Cait Shelter, they're sending one person. We all looked alarmed, just one?! How strong is this person. Our thoughts were interrupted by a sharp squeal and a little girl with dark blue hair on the floor. "O-ow." She murmurs. "H-hi I'm W-wendy and I'm from Cait Shelter!" She tells us. Erza looks at her. "A child?" The silver haired boy exclaims. "Please don't send me back!" She cries. "It'll embarrass me and my guilds name." She says shamefully. "I can help..." A white cat walks up from behind her. "You won't earn there respect that way child!" She says to Wendy angrily. "I'm sorry Carla I-." She was interrupted by the boy with brown hair. He placed his hands on her hips and took her to the couch. "We're you here earlier? How could I miss you? Your gorgeous!" I hear a voice behind me. The boy with blond hair says, guiding me to the sofa. "Boys!" Ichiya snaps again. "Listen up Blue Pegasus Trio of boys!" Gray shouts. "Keep your hands off our girls, they have been kind enough to put up with your attitude for this long so knock it off!" The boys stare at him. "We didn't even notice you here!" They exclaimed. "So I guess your not needed so, THANKS FOR STOPPING BY!" They say bowing.

-time skip-

"Here they are!" The boy with brown hair says, pictures are hung up using his magic. "Last seen at the canyon near Cait Shelter hm?" Lucy says. "I'm all fired up!" Natsu runs off." Everyone else ran apart from me and Wendy. "Hey!" I say to her kindly. "Want me to fly you there?" She nods happily. She reminds me so much of little Melody...

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