Alternate Fairy Tail?

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Your P.O.V:
Natsu was climbing up one of the trees in the forest we landed in. "JUST WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?" Carla shouted. Natsu rolled his eyes at her and carried on."Getting a better view, duh!" He yelled back to her. "Wendy!" I said. "Where do you think our friends will be?" She started shaking and worrying. "I don't know Y/n~San!" She said tears welling in her eyes. "Why can't I have a proper family?" She asked tears streaming down her face. I wiped them away with my thumb. "Now Wendy--" I began, but something or someone smacked into the back of me and in pure instinct I grabbed Wendy's hand.

"Natsu!" I growled. "What did you do?!" He smiled guiltily at me. "I was climbing on the vines when I slipped and I swang into you and--" before he could finish the vine snapped and me descended on the large mushrooms. Bouncing on each one until we landed in an old house. "I hate you Natsu." I groaned getting up and brushing myself off. "Oh hang on!" I grabbed the sphere that Mystogan gave me and swallowed it.

"What was that?" Wendy asked. I looked at her questioningly, did he not give her one? "It doesn't matter!" Carla interrupted. "We need to find the others." I nodded and headed out. "Wait!" Happy exclaimed. "We need disguises!" I laughed and put on a simple white top and shorts. "Happy now!" I laughed at my pun and left.

We were walking along the road when we saw the Fairy Tail sign. Of course Natsu ran straight inside. "They're here!" He laughed and we followed him in. "Wait!" I yelled going in after him. "They all look so different." I murmured looking at everyone. Natsu frowns at me."But it's still them Y/n!" He tells me, shocked. I look around. "Look though!" I say. Wendy is taller and has a chest, why is there a girl that even looks like Wendy? Gray has LOADS of clothes on, Juvia is rejecting Gray all the time, Cana isn't drinking?!

Natsu takes a moment to process this and then dives under the table pulling me along with him. "What's going on?" Wendy squeals/ whispers as she joins us. "They're not our friends W--!" Before I could finish, a girl that looked like Lucy crouched down infront of us. "Who are you!" Her voice boomed. The entire guild turned to face us.

Her eyes widened and she pulled Natsu out from under the table. "Natsu! I missed you so much." She said, then her faced turned to a scowl. "Baka! Where have you been?" She said hitting him on the head. He rubbed his head. "What do you mean?" Suddenly a girl that looked like Levy interrupted." She's found us!" She screamed, everyone looked panicked. I climbed out from under the table. "Who?" I asked. Everyone turned to look at me. Gray's eyes filled with tears. "Y/n!" He shouted pulling me in for a hug. "KYAA!" I screamed as I was smothered with tons of coats.

Luckily Wendy pulled me out. "Why are you happy to see Y/n?" Natsu asked. Levy then pushed her foot down on the pedal and everything turned all weird. We all then hit the floor, gasping for breath. "A-as I said." Natsu said rubbing his head. "Why are you happy to see Y/n?" Gray's face turned serious and he sat down. "Well, she was taken away from us about 4 years ago. We don't know where she is. But now here she is! You brought her back Natsu!" He cheered, everyone else copied. "Guys you got the wrong idea--" I begin before being crushed with hugs. "Guys!.... GUYS!" I shout desperate to breath.

I eventually lose my cool and summon by black angel body. They all let go of me, completely shocked. "I said!" I boomed. "I'm not your Y/n! I'm not from Edolas!" Everyone is around me glaring at me. "How can you use magic Y/n?" Lucy asks.

A~n: Sorry for not posting a new chapter. Been super busy! Thanks :)

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