Chapter 23: Crossroads

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Center Sector Courtyard
Cove Settlement

"You don't have to tend to his wounds, he can do it himself," Faris muttered from Alanis' side while they walked. "And in case you haven't noticed we still have dozens of men who need help."

   Alanis walked ahead of him and retrieved her pack containing her stash of healing ointments. She sighed, noticing the unwavering shadow over her shoulder. He was at it again, not thinking logically, still rationalizing with the part of his brain that had taken over during the raid. In his head, these people were still the target and not worth the added effort.

"Great, so you're ignoring me now?"

"Not exactly—I was thinking. What if I get him to tell us his side of the story? I mean, if I were to help him and make him feel a little welcomed, it would earn his trust then he'd be more inclined to tell us what happened here. I for one would like to know why they were pulling out of Cove."

"Well, I don't trust him," Faris barked back, ignoring her idea altogether, and confirming Alanis' earlier notion that he was still on attack mode. "The guy is crazy, he went from holding Robert hostage to practically worshiping you after you used that power of yours. There's no telling what he's capable of, for all we know he could have some sort of weapon hidden on him that's just as dangerous as the weapon Lysa grabbed."

   This time Alanis ignored him. She walked past him with her belongings making her way over to where the Official was seated. There was a lot of truth to the prince's argument, she had no idea what he was capable of, but knew he was of no threat all the same. She knew his intentions. It was when she was enveloped in Letando's Tuore that a new effect took place, reflecting both, Robert and the settlement Official's inner light back to her. And stranger still, was the noted change of character in both men, both calming considerably.

   As she thought everything over, the talk she had with Tyrell regarding unleashing the Reoki'mani made her stop in her tracks. His words drowned out the world around her—

"In the coming days of your sacrifice, the followers of light will flock to you, to give aid and protect you. In order to power Reoki'mani, those followers must gather and feed him their light."

   Alanis' heart skipped a beat realizing what was happening. It was beginning, her task. The Official who held Robbie hostage knew the words that were written in the book of white magic, reciting them to her as clear as day though they were supposed to be secret. What if those words were more than a secret passage, what if they were an oath to the current Oraur Lahre, pledging allegiance to her task. It certainly seemed that way. And if that was the case, these men were just the beginning—more followers would be coming.

"Alanis, you okay?" Faris questioned stifling her thoughts. She nodded slowly and he put on his famous scowl as they began walking again. "All right, I suppose you're right about that plan of yours. But I'm not going to leave your side. Not until I'm sure he's not up to anything funny, okay?"

"I figured you wouldn't," she replied lowly.

   The prince stopped to look her over, it was apparent he picked up on her troubled tone, but she kept walking without him. It was best to keep whatever she was feeling to herself or else she'd be the next to be questioned.

"Oraur Lahre," the Official greeted as soon as he noticed her. He made no such efforts to greet her companion, though she couldn't blame him, not with the nasty glare Faris was giving him.

   Alanis retrieved the cleansing ointments and bandages from her pack before tossing it to his feet.

"My name is Alanis. Please stop calling me Oraur Lahre, it makes me... uneasy," she admitted.

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