Chapter 17: Under the Sun

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Alanis' time, prior to her departure to Berthold, was spent in Ilu sitting in with Benjamin and the other higher-ups on several meetings regarding Cove. Thanks to Justin's intel on Cove's defenses they were close to perfecting their strategy to overtake the southern settlement.

Luckily, no one questioned the escapee on how he obtained his  information. Once it was confirmed by Benjamin's scouts, Justin was invited to the big table to serve under the commander as a special advisor.

Unfortunately, things were still weird between Faris and her, but what was even more peculiar was his attitude. There was none. He continued to keep distance and whenever they happened to bump into each other in Ati or Ilu he would keep quiet.

This worried her, not because she felt he was up to no good. It was something else. With all her time spent on talks of war, meetings, and training, she realized she missed the simple times they shared together. So when he volunteered to travel back to Berthold with her, to attend Justin and Cassandra's wedding, she didn't put up a fight, knowing this might possibly be her last chance to mend their relationship.


They left Ati Harei early morning, just before first light. This time, the weather would be beautiful on their journey. It would be an easy week of travel to and from The Bright Kingdom with the upcoming blessing of spring. And as they travelled south of Ati Tundra, Alanis could see evidence of its arrival all around her. The bleak plains they had pushed through months before were sprinkled with green grass and migrating wildlife.

The first set of days were awkward, and silent, leaving Alanis to stew in her own private dramas. There was a great chance she would bump into Alexander. In fact, she knew she would, for he would be at the wedding and wasn't sure how she react around him. They shared a special link under Letando's power. And she was beginning to realize that their strong feelings for each other were brought on by it, much like the bonding ritual of the Tunerir.

When the prince gave in and spoke, he'd only discuss their upcoming raid which made Alanis' inner stewing feel like a vacation. During their brief talks, she had made an effort to apologize for being so brash to him, even though he was in the wrong, but all he did was accept gracefully, and continue on with a business-as-usual attitude, discussing Cove's border security or something else war related.

She smiled and listened, but inside she didn't take it so well, inside she seethed when she saw how his eyes lit up with each of her failed attempts to reach out to him. He only ever got that special twinkle in his eye when he knew that he was winning.

Why did he talk so much about the raid? It wasn't like he was going to be there, she thought recalling how he had made it a point to sit in at every meeting before they left, and how he offered no help whatsoever. It was as if he was merely there to keep watch on her, or annoy her, either way he was playing games she was no longer interested in. But one thing was for certain, there was a fight brewing between them, a big one. With a little restraint, and a lot of luck, the next two days would stay peaceful.


Berthold Territory Outskirts
The Rocky Loch
Early Morning

Alanis was awakened by the sun. Usually Faris would have roused her from sleep before first light in an attempt to make better time. Perhaps, this morning the prince was in a generous mood, she mused while rolling over to view his deserted sleeping mat.

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