Chapter 21: Eyes Without A Face

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*Chapter not fully edited, sorry.


It was spring, Alanis could tell by the budding flowers that hung from the lattice in Berthold's great hall. Her attention was lost on them as Alexander spoke to the visiting soldiers. She was well aware of their mission, but was too tired to focus on their talks. Besides the sunlight felt good against her cheeks as she reclined back in the wooden pew.

It was always the same when they came around. The men in red cloaks would travel from kingdom to kingdom, recruiting fresh soldiers to train in the northern mountains of Lori. It was common practice to lend the best troops to them, but ever since the last settlement was liberated, years past, the king's hand was reluctant to aid in a now senseless cause.

The meeting went on for what seemed hours. When they broke Alanis hopped from her seat to stretch her legs. She was thankful the prince allowed her to sit with the others instead of toughing it out at his side with his advisors.

"Good afternoon, Lady Alanis," a familiar voice greeted as she followed behind the group leaving the meeting.

"Good afternoon to you too, Lord Goodwin," she greeted back with a smile.

"It's been awhile since we've last trained. I hope I haven't offended you."

She flicked the golden cord on the shoulder of his cloak playfully. "You always offend me."

Harold was dressed in his best yet again. She often picked on him regarding his choice of uniform. But it was all in good fun. She was secretly happy that he was assigned as her tutor, because quite frankly, the remaining members of Alexander's father's council were far worse with their off-putting attitudes.

"Jesting aside, I expect to see you in the training hall this afternoon. You've got to be in top form come bonding."

"I know, I know." She swatted the air between them while rushing her march towards the exit. "Don't worry, I'll be there," she called over her shoulder, "I was warned by the prince that my absences were noticed by Elder Simon."

Her brisk walk slowed when she noticed all of the visitors enjoying the statues in the courtyard garden. She took in a deep breath then continued to the old training tower near the castle. As she climbed the spiraling steps to the top of the old observatory she felt the start of nervousness as it swept through her stomach to her clammy palms.

There was no doubt in her heart why the prince had asked to meet with him. She knew he was feeling guilty over their tryst in the forest several weeks past, and it was becoming more apparent every passing day that he was unhappy with her pursuit to become his Tunerir.

Today's the day, she shuddered as she stepped up on the last step. The 'talk' that couldn't be avoided any longer would rear its ugly head.

Alanis stopped her walk near a large window and looked out it; the sudden cheers from the castle's courtyard caught her ear first then earned her attention. She leaned in and watched the grounds below. She couldn't make out the faces of the strangers the groups attention were on, but could gather they were royalty by the suits and gowns they wore. Her eyes narrowed to better her vision against the sun's glare and caught Harold and his fancy cloak greeting the couple. King Blair's fellow council members soon joined.

The flocking of the king's council could only mean one thing, another potential suitor was visiting.

"Spying from above," Alexander called over her shoulder causing Alanis' heart to jump to her throat. "Looking for anyone in particular, my lady?"

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