Chapter 31: Mortal Name

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Ati Harei Throne RoomLate Afternoon

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Ati Harei
Throne Room
Late Afternoon

Alanis picked herself off the ground, her eyes were on the cloaked knight in front of her. While he lifted the cover from his face she felt joy in her heart. She let out a gasp, then threw herself toward the knight, where she fell into his arms, and held him close. It took her awhile to release him, for fear it was all a dream that she'd wake from, only to find herself back in the dungeon below.

"Thank you, Wes," she said on a sob, which sounded more so like exhaustion.

Thank the gods, Fulton had come.

"Lady Alanis," Wesley said, pulling away, his eyes roamed her face. It was clear by the distinct hitch in his voice that he was disturbed by her appearance. "Gods, what have they done to you?"

"They had no part of it. It was my own doing, Wes." She looked down at her tattered clothing and the fresh blood that seeped through her bandages. Some of her prior wounds had managed to reopen during her fight with the king.

She stepped away from him, her eyes wandered the room, searching for the lost princess. There was no sign of her, which meant, she wasn't gravely hurt.

"I used Letando's power—her true power while we marched on Larska. It almost killed me," she said, stopping near a column that stood nearby then held on to it for support.

She fell against the pillar.

   Her vision was failing her, and her fingers and toes were numb and stinging. The fight with the king had taken nearly everything from her, and now she feared it would end up taking more.

   Wesley noticed her struggle and helped her walk to the door. They moved slowly towards the large doors at the entrance.

"We've got to get you out of here," he said, stopping their walk at the door.

Wesley peaked out into the great hall, giving it a quick glance before he took Alanis' hand.

"Wes—why did you come back? I thought you were leaving," she said, curiously.

Not that she didn't trust his intentions, she was genuinely curious. Somehow he always managed to find her in situations like this.

Could it be a sign from Letando, she wondered while studying his reaction.

"I made camp past the Ati Tundra." Wesley answered while picking her up. He carried her through the hall, seeing it as the better option, as she would only slow them down on foot. "Earlier last week, Master Tyrell sent a raven stating you had returned to Ati Harei with the prince, and several other survivors from Ilu. He heard you were injured, but was unable to visit you. A few days after his letter, I spotted scouts and banner-men from Ati and Halliwell.

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