Chapter 22: Tall Cool One

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   Traveling was the easy part. It was the approach that could break even the strongest man's resolve, Benjamin claimed. At the time, Alanis didn't quite understand what his words meant, but soon did, as they neared Cove Territory.

   The rebellion troops travelled separately, in three groups to avoid attention. Altogether there were a little over two thousand of them, mostly men, all trained and ready to face whatever the settlement would throw at them.

   Alanis felt a tinge of insecurity whenever she would overhear old war stories from her fellow soldiers, or watch their friendly, oftentimes, heated practice spars. They were, in many ways, more prepare than she would ever be.

   The trip went quickly, and before she knew it they had reached the Divine Kingdom, Halliwell, which was near the outskirts of Cove Territory.

   Before leaving Ati Harei, Alanis had requested the prince accompany her on her next pilgrimage since he had gotten her to and from Berthold safely. And of course, the king was more than willing to send his son as chaperone on that journey, likely to keep tabs on her.


The Divine Kingdom
Late Morning

The kingdom of Halliwell was a vibrant and beautiful place. What stood out most was their amazing palace, it was completely engulfed in tall red-wood trees—parts of the structure were actually built into them.

   Alanis took her time letting her eyes drift from roof-top to roof-top admiring the red clay tiles that lined each. It seemed even the civilian buildings were just as grand.

"Wow," Alanis breathed in combination with a whistle from one of the other traveling soldiers—apparently as impressed with the view as she.

"Yeah, a real shit-hole, huh?" Faris jested, earning several laughs from the small group behind him. "Too bad you got temple duty—you're going to miss out on all the fun. Don't worry, I'll tell you all about it later tonight."

   Alanis turned her head from the view to the prince who was busy unfastening the packs on his steed.

"Oh, shut it," she muttered just loud enough for him to hear.


Temple Duty, as the prince so cleverly called it, was exactly what it seemed—visiting and introducing herself to the local temple master, and answering mind-numbing questions regarding her gift. Most of Alanis' ploy to travel south was to visit the southern temples, so she needed to visit each they came across, since the king would be keeping tabs on her progress. She already visited several during their march to Cove.

The temple in homage to Letando in the Divine Kingdom was the most beautiful temple she had seen by far—besting Berthold's temple to the light goddess. It would have taken several days to fully appreciate the architectural details that were lavished throughout the grounds.

Hopefully, there'd be enough time to revisit them after they dealt with Cove.

Later, after her tour was over, she ventured back to camp with her chaperone, Robert, a young soldier who was lumped in with the newer recruits, including Alanis. When they got back to camp he expressed interest in practicing wielding with her. She agreed, seeing it as an opportunity to teach someone less skilled than her, and it served as a much needed ego boost.

After helping him, she called on the three elements. Each came to her with ease. It seemed harnessing their powers were now second nature to her. When she was finished calling them she set her goal on something she had yet to master or understand.

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