Flicker: Vingt-Six

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Nora walked through the woods, swinging her arms. She had a sweater thrown over her shoulders and her shoes clutched in a fist. Thankfully the worst of winter was over. The cold that had lingered well into April had finally gone away. This morning, at dawn, the leaves and vegetation had been bedazzled with frost. Now, the snow had all but melted away. The woods smelled damp and earthy. She liked the feeling of the soft moss squishing between her toes. Her escape had gone great. Last night, Nora had decided that she would visit where her mother lay. At the crack of dawn, she threw on a sweater over her robe and opened her window, sneaking down the trellis of vines underneath her window sill. From then on it was a piece of cake. Nora knew exactly how to traverse Wicks without being spotted or seen.

She had wen to visit mother. There was no way she could leave tomorrow without going to her grave at least once. Being in Wicks was always a lovely experience, but, she felt like she was on house arrest this time. Tifa was around every corner and her father was always at her heels. Nora had ventured off in search of some baked goods at the nearest bakeshop but her sojourn had been interrupted by Tifa. She was ushered back into the house, draped with blankets, and given hot tea and books to read. Nora was more than pleased to be catered to but the bodyguarding was getting tiring. She wanted to live her normal, humble life again - not be waited on hand and foot. It wasn't as attractive as it seemed. So, she decided to take a risk! She decided to escape her bodyguard and thwart her mate's wishes but clambering down the wall of her home. She dangled from the window of her second-story bedroom and let go, landing on a thatch of the roof. It was slippery and she had quite a fright but she managed to walk over the top and make it to the trellis where she climbed down onto the ground. Nora knew that when she was found out, neither her father nor Tifa would be happy, but it was a risk she was willing to take. Who knew how many more days she had left until her big change? Who knew if she'd survive nonetheless? 

Whenever she tried to vocalize her concerns about that possible outcome, Eddie and Tifa would tell her not to think of such things. How could they expect her to not think about it? Nora was told by two physicians that she was going to be undergoing a transformation with unpredictable results and unpredictable amounts of pain. Pretending that that future was not coming was not going to spare her that outcome. Nora felt alone, though she was surrounded by friends and family. There was no one to talk to and no one who understood. Nora envisioned being left disabled or disfigured. It was anguishing dealing with the uncertainty of it all. That's why she had gone to visit her mother. Even after death, her mother remained the only one capable of just listening to Nora and embracing her tears - allowing her to just feel. She could profess whatever emotions she had, whether, anxiety or worry. She could feel comfortable being vulnerable without reproach.  

She planned on being back before her absence could be noticed. There was no way of getting in touch with her. Nora didn't carry her cellphone, forgetting it on the vanity top. The sky was shining as she made her way back. When she had left, it was still dawn. So it was best that she was heading back now before the situation exacerbated.

Nora reached the border between the town and the woods. She bent down to slip on her shoes, and stood up, looking out upon the town outline glimmering in the near distance.  She could hear the school bell ringing in the distance and she figured she should hurry to get back. She got closer and realized that she must've indeed lost track of time because people were milling about, beginning their day. Older women were sitting on porches, cattlemen were leading their calves to pastures, and young ones were off to school. 

Nora was nearing her home but as she got closer, she stopped in her tracks. She felt as if a bucket of ice water had been thrown on her. She took off- her legs and feet propelling herself forward. The people of Wicks eyed her, taking in her speed. Nora kept on running, heading towards a man in a black fitted suit. Quinton stood there, well adorned, his arms wide open, ready to catch the speeding bullet coming towards him. 

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