Flicker: Dix - Sept

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 Quinton was working in his office when he heard a polite knock. He stopped working and a smile lifted at the corner of his mouth. Nora opened the door and walked in. She was still in her nightdress, her hair was ruffled and strands went in every which way about her head. She yawned delicately as she approached him and Quinton could not but think that she looked adorable. 

"Good morning, " she said to him as she reached his desk.

"Good morning. Aren't you supposed to be in bed?"

She rounded the desk and went behind to where he sat, looping her arms around his neck. She gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I've been in that bed all day and I don't plan on staying for a minute more." She said against his skin before offering another kiss. "The only thing that can keep in the bed any longer is restraints."

Quinton took her hand and led her to stand in front of him. He took her 'round the waist and propped her in his lap. A hand stroked  down his chest as another played with his hair. 

"I would not mind restraining you," he said in a low voice. Their faces neared each other and Quinton bit Nora's lower lip gently before engaging her in a kiss. He moved his hand teasingly on her thighs which elicited soft whimpers which only enhanced his desire for her. What started off slow and sensual quickly escalated and he kissed her ravenously, having half a mind to clear his desk off and take her then and there if she were to allow it. 

A knock on the door interrupted their heated moment and Nora flew off from atop of him and stood away from him. Quinton, more than disgruntled, ordered the individual to enter. Blaine entered and his eye jumped from Nora who looked awkward and embarrassed to Quinton who looked frustrated. After assessing the situation for a moment, he gave a knowing smile. Quinton rolled his eyes and demanded that he address the subject that brought him to the office.

"I come with a message from Providence. You're needed at Sheridan."

Quinton groaned and put his head back on the chair.

"For what?"

"There's trouble afoot. I'm sorry Quinton. You'll have to go in early."

"And this is why I can never have a vacation. I have to work overtime all the time, I'm afraid. I'm sorry to cut our time short, love." 

"I understand. I will have to have Tifa amuse me."

"Do not exert yourself today. You are still ill in my book so take it easy," Quinton said as he collected his things.

"Yes sir," she saluted with a grin. "I will see you later?"

"Yes. Of course."

Nora stood on her tippy toes and gave him a small kiss on the mouth before saying goodbye to Blaine and rushing off. Quinton looked at her go and sighed, slumping his shoulders. 


Nora was relaxing on her bed, finishing up a book that she had picked out. It was some fiction novel  about sailors voyaging on the Atlantic ocean. It was her only entertainment, seeing as how Tifa could no longer hang out with her - having some issues to attend to. Nora was happy for the quiet time. It was almost dinner and she would get to see Quinton.  When it was nearing seven she washed up and quickly dressed before dashing down the staircase in search of her mate. She found him, just stepping into Gillans, and she jumped upon his person.  Quinton raised her off the ground and held her against him. She protested when he finally set her back on the floor.

"Somebody missed me I see." 

"Am I so obvious?" She giggled.

"Just a wee bit," he said, shrugging one shoulder. 

"Come let us eat." Nora grabbed his hand and led him to the dining room. The dinner came and went, all the wolves hungrily gobbling up their meals. They all bid each other goodnight and headed to their respective rooms. Nora prepared for bed as did Quinton, who showered the events of the day away. 

It was a chilly night and Nora was happy to climb underneath her covers and she reveled in the warmth it gave her. The day had been less than eventful but her heart quickened at the thought of having Quinton with her for the night to share her bed. It seemed that the more days that passed, the closer they began and she felt the love for him swell and swell. Nora realized that the love had been hiding within her all along. She turned on the lamp next to her,  took her book off the night stand and began flicking through it, not yet feeling tired. Quinton came through the adjoining door. He slipped into bed. He placed his hands behind his head and gave out a deep sigh.

"You got something on your mind?" Nora asked, placing the book down.

"Nothing. I am just tired and ready to fall asleep."

"Aw. Then you should get some shut eye."

Quinton patted his pillow, turned on his side and began to doze off. Nora continued on with her story. A few minutes passed and Nora flicked her eyes to look at Quinton who was gazing at her. She nearly jumped from fright.

"What in the world? Have you been staring at me all along?"

"I would not call in staring..." He disagreed.

"One word: creepy. I thought you were tired."

"I am! I am just trying to get settled, is all. I am going to shut my eyes right now."

He squeezed his eyelids tightly together. Nora just shook her head and attempted to read once more, but again, she sensed two eyes on her and she sighed exasperatedly.


"I am sorry, Nora. I just ..."

"What? Out with it? You're disturbing my mojo."

"It is just  that I would like to...hold you as I go to sleep."

Nora's eyebrows rose.

"You'd like to cuddle?"

"I suppose that is the word you can use."

Nora could hear the slight embarrassment in his voice. She silently put her book away and shut off the lamp. She turned to face him and stroked his face.

"I'd like to cuddle with you too." She whispered before stealing a kiss. Quinton hesitated for just a moment before nuzzling his nose against hers. Nora was pleasantly surprised and were she able to transform into a wolf, her tail would be wagging. More kisses were to be had that night and so they spent the time canoodling until they fell asleep.

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