Flicker: Quatre

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"And then Mary had me leave the room. That was the last I saw of her." Quinton said before downing a shot of whiskey. It burned as it went down. He and Blaine sat on the seats of the dimly lighted game room.

"That's sad to hear," Blaine remarked. Quinton just grunted, watching the light shine through the amber liquid of the bottle.

"Well, let us look at the positives."

"And what are those?"

"She has an appetite. Thank the heavens she's awake at least...that's a good sign."

"I'll wait for the opinion of the physicians."

"How is she fairing this morning?"

"Fine, I suppose. Mary has been around her nearly twenty-four seven. Brought her breakfast this morning - fruit and toast."

"Good, good. When did you send for the doctors?"

"As soon as it was light out. They had previous obligations so it took them some time to get here."

"Are they in with her now?"

"Yes, and have been for the past two hours."

"I wonder what's going on in there."

"I'm sure I'll figure out soon enough."

Quinton and Blaine sat in companionable silence. Quinton had been beside himself for the whole day. He had to restrain himself from barging into Nora's room and demanding her attention. Often, he would leave his office and climb the stairs, just so he could stand outside the door and listen to her conversations with Mary. Her voice was so soft and he had to strain his wolfen ears to hear what was being said. Regardless, it made his heart soar when she would respond to Mary's questions, regardless if it was a yes or a no. The curse over his household had finally been lifted, it seemed. However, Quinton was a rational man, and he knew better than to assume the future when the present wasn't yet clear.

The harsh knocking on the door put an end to his ruminating. A certain red-headed wolf poked her head in from behind the door.

"I came as soon as I could," Tifa said. She stood in the doorway, dressed in army fatigues.


Quinton stood up and approached her, his hand outstretched.

"Tifa. How wonderful it is to see you again." He said.

"Mr. Reeves." She responded warmly while shaking the proffered hand.

She acknowledged Blaine with a nod of her head and he responded to her in the same fashion.

"Thank you for the rapid response. Yes, I did not want to alarm you but as soon as I figured out that she could be up and about, I figured it was high time that you came back to your post." Quinton thanked.

"The vacation was nice."

"Vacation?" Quinton said with raised eyebrows. "Weren't you down at the base training recruits?"

"Like I said - vacation." She said with a chuckle.

"Come on in. Would you like to sit down?" Quinton offered.

"No. I'm tired so I think I will just head to my room. Besides, you two seem to be discussing something of importance."

Tifa's eyes shifted from Quinton's to Blaine's and then back again.

"The subject is that of my mate. Isn't it always? Come sit with us a while so I can fill you in on the situation."

Tifa looked sheepish but could not refuse the invite. She followed Quinton to the seats and sat across from the gentlemen. She shifted uncomfortably in her seat.

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