Flicker: Sept

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"Here are the files you requested Mr. Reeves." Providence said, handing Quinton a portfolio that he had requested.

l"Thank you, Providence." Quinton replied.

"No problem, sir." 

Quinton turned to leave.  His conference ran over time, and way too many difficulties were discussed. He hadn't gotten much paperwork done, but after all that he had to sit through today, he was willing to take a half-day. So Quinton gathered his things and took some homework home with him. He went outside, his car pulled out in front of him, and he got in. As soon as the door closed, Quinton let out a tremendous sigh and melted into the seat of his vehicle. 

Quinton never took for granted the moments of solitude that he got when he was traveling alone. Usually, Blaine accompanied him, but today Blaine had other duties to handle outside of Sheridan. So, Quinton got to relax in the backseat, practically sprawled out. No one, besides his driver, could see him at his least tense. Quinton thought back to those times when he had first become a beta, and the obligations and responsibilities that he had to deal with were too much to bear on his shoulders. Returning from his study abroad, his father had him complete his exams and the next thing he knew, he was titled beta, and his father was on a plane to South America. 

Quinton chuckled at the thought.  He'd never even been to his father or his mother's homeland. Quinton had protested in his youth but his father never allowed it. There was no need to "waste expenses" and time on a journey that would offer nothing, his father would tell him. So, Quinton had to make do with sporadic visits from his family and phone calls. Heck, Quinton had to persuade his father intently just to go on his trip abroad, emphasizing that he was going to receive a college education - a degree in political science and a minor in law. However, his father made him swear that he would be back and ready to take his place. However, with time the position of beta grew on him. At first, Quinton would have to bite his tongue from preventing his driver to drop him off at the outskirts of town, so that he could escape the world that had been made for him. Guilt kept him in check. How could he abandon Mary? And who would succeed him? His foolish cousin, Fransico, who spent his days liquored up between the legs of women. No. How could he abandon his region and leave them susceptible to the likes of that? 

Here he remained - traveling back and forth between home and Sheridan. Perhaps this was to be his fate for the rest of his days. He couldn't even presume that a son would relieve him, because by the looks of it, Nora didn't want him anywhere near him. The only thing that had lighted up his miserable existence had been her, and now she, despite the fact that she was under his roof, couldn't be further away. Though, Mary was optimistic. She told him to not give up. For that reason, he had arranged for her to receive another token of his affection, but he had a feeling that it would reject it just as much as his precious gift. The thought made his heartache. She disregarded him and it pained him deeply - more than she would ever know.

The car finally reached his premises and pulled to a stop. Quinton opened the door, thanking and tipping his driver. He took out his keys and opened the front door, stepping into his household. Stepping into the foyer, Quinton nearly dropped his briefcase on the ground. There, down the hall, stood Blaine and Nora. Blaine was close to her, his hands grasping her tightly. He was speaking excitedly and Nora stood before him. To see her sent an initial surge of happiness through his body, going from head to toe. She was emanating feelings of content and tranquility as Blaine talked to her. However, that instant spike of happiness dimmed in Quinton as he saw Blaine pull Nora towards himself for a hug. Instantly, Quinton felt overwhelmed with jealousy that rocked his being to his very core. "How dare he touched  her."

On cue, Nora turned her head,  as Quinton's fiery anger reached her too. Blaine followed her gaze and slowly detached himself from Nora's body. Quinton walked towards them, his entire body rigid. Time went achingly slow as he approached them. He could hear Nora's intake of breath and felt her nervousness, shock, and dismay. He assessed her, running his eyes down the length of her body. She was changed - drastically so. Nora looked like if he breathed hard enough, he could blow her off her feet. This was not the sun-kissed, bright-eyed woman he had first encountered, though she looked better than she had weeks ago. The thought that he was the reason behind this hurt him. His envy and jealously toward Blaine grew more, for it killed him that he was able to bring a smile to her face, while his own presence only brought tears.

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