Flicker: Dix

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Nora finished putting the last of her garments in her duffel bag. She was packing light. Courtesy of Quinton, she had an extensive wardrobe but her lace, satin, and silk wear would not do well in the bumbling, dirt roads of Wicks. So, Nora stuck to the essentials and some shorts and tops that she could muck up.

Her door was kicked open and she turned around in fright. The red-headed wolf stood at her entrance, adorning sunglasses and a small suitcase.

"Road trip!" She shouted.

Nora laughed at her war cry.

"Tifa this is nothing of the sort. We are going only five hours away, and being chauffeured."

"So! Let me have some fun, sista. I've never been to Wicks so this will be quite the adventure. I even bought a new memory card for my camera." She said, wiggling the device for Nora to see.

"I'm afraid you won't capture much of interest."

"Pshaw. Don't be such a Debbie downer."

Tifa stuck out her tongue. Nora just shook her head.

"Well leave your suitcase here Tifa," Nora said, pointing to the edge of your bed. "Mary said she will have someone in to deliver it to the car when the time comes."

Tifa brought in her suitcase and went back to the hallway to retrieve two more, much larger luggage.

"What in the world!"

"What? We don't even know how long we're staying so I thought I'd be prepared."

"I haven't given us a time frame but it won't be that long."

"Says you. Better safe than sorry."

"I don't even think the closet space at home will hold all that stuff."

"If we have to play Tetris to make it fit then so be it. So when is your family coming?"

"They should be here any minute. D.D said that he would be here by noon. They left bright and early."

"Are they being driven?"

"No, they are coming in their own vehicle."

"So it's your dad and who else?"

"My brother, James, and his mate, Maribel."

"Oh, goodness don't tell me that we're gonna be in a car for five hours with them all?"

"No. We're gonna be in a separate car and my dad and my brother both drove themselves.

"Thank the Lord," Tifa said, relaxing at the news.

As Nora packed away the rest of her belongings, Tifa roamed around the room, stopping at the vanity. She sat down and picked through Nora's makeup, and accessories. It wasn't long before Nora heard gasps.

"Holy smokes. Is this yours?" She asked, dangling the diamond necklace over her head.

"Oh yes, it is. A gift from Quinton."

"Wow. This is a little more than a gift." Tifa commented, holding up the jewelry to her neck. "I've never seen you wear it."

"I've only gotten it a few days ago. I haven't really had the opportunity."

"Please honey, I would make any and every occasion an opportunity to flash these."

Nora rolled her eyes.

There was a knock on the door and Mary poked her head in.

"Nora, your family have arrived and they are downstairs."

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