Flicker: Trieze

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Nora sat quietly while Tifa dozed on and off across from her.  Her family and family friends had made sure she went back with oodles of gifts - little knick-knacks and tokens that she could decorate her room along with perfumes, scarves, and things. Maribel had given her a whole jar packed with cookies, toffee, and truffles just for her eating pleasure. Tifa too got bathed in these riches and then after plenty of hugs, kisses (and even a few tears), Nora waved goodbye to her family as Rodger drove her away from Wicks for the second time.

She sighed. She didn't know how to feel. Being home for as long nearly a month sure did leave her satisfied. She had so many new memories to think over during her stay away. Going back to Wicks did her much good. However, Nora could not admit to being totally happy with returning to Gillans. Thankfully the full moon had come and gone. She remembered trying to sleep when all she could see was the moon mocking her as she writhed in bed wanting a release that would not come. When Quinton had asked for her return, she made sure to make it after the moon had passed - when it was safe. 

Nora did not want to admit, Quinton calling her the other day did make her feel warm and fuzzy inside. When Nora had heard from her brother that Quinton was on the phone, she had presumed something bad had happened. Instead, he chatted with her briefly about her stay and then requested if she would mind returning to Gillans. He had been so charming in his asking. Quinton must have truly missed her to have put his pride aside. She remembered the days where he had thought of her nothing than a pest. The thoughts of those times made her still unsure of meeting with Quinton again and being together. Was it all just another illusion and one day would he snap and become the barking, terrorizing wolf that she had known in the past. Her father's words from the days prior did, in fact, resonate within her and despite her reservations, she would push on ahead. 

Half an hour later, they were driving down the dirt path and towards the estate. Nora called out to Tifa. When she didn't respond, Nora kicked her on the shin with her foot. Tifa gave a groan but opened her eyes.

"What was that for?" Tifa said groggily while stretching.

"We're here."

"There's no place like home right?"

Rodger announced that they had reached their destination and pulled up to the front door.  He got out of his vehicle and came to open the door for its passengers. The two she-wolves got out of the car and were hit by the sunlight. It was mid-December and fall was coming to an end, but the shine shone brightly, in defiance. It was as if the star itself was welcoming her back. Rodger took their luggage and Tifa thanks for bringing them safely back home. That very moment the door of Gillans opened wide and Quinton, Mary, and two attendants were in view. Quinton and Mary came towards them, both sporting large smiles on their faces.

"Why, hello strangers," Mary said, opening her hands for a hug. Both Nora and Tifa granted her wishes and expressed their happiness to see her again.

"It is good to see you two again," Quinton said.

"We are glad to be back," Tifa responded, shaking Quinton's hand. "It was a swell time."

"You will have to tell us all about it at dinner. It will be quite the occasion." Mary commented, clapping her hands together merrily.

"That it will." Quinton agreed. His eyes were locked on Nora and Mary sensing his attentions took Tifa's hand and dragged her into Gillans.  Nora stood facing Quinton and she felt weak at the knees.

"Hello," She said with a smile. "It's nice to see you again."

"Words cannot express my happiness at seeing you here before me, Nora." 

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