Flicker: Quatroze

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The first sight Nora saw when she opened her eyes the next morning was Quinton's face. What a peaceful expression it held.  She didn't move or make a peep. She didn't want to spoil the moment. Last night, after their dinner, Quinton asked if he may be allowed to sleep in her bed and she' agreed. Sleeping besides him had been as comforting as she remembered it. She revelled in his warmth and felt safe in his arms. He'd wrapped himself around her and kept her close. She had assumed that she would wake up alone, but Quinton, evidently, had other ideas. The other shoe had yet to drop and Nora hoped that it never would. 

"I know you are looking at me." Quinton said then, his eyes still closed.

Nora was caught off guard but she laughed when she realized that her trying to stay under the radar had been for no reason.

Quinton smiled and opened his eyes, blinking the sleep away.

"Good morning."

He rolled onto his back, pulling Nora with him.  She rested against his bare chest and ran her fingers through the sprinkling of hair he had on his chest.

"Good morning. I didn't expect to find you here when I woke up."

"Life is unpredictable."

"Ain't that the truth."

"What time is it?" He asked.  Nora turned to look at the clock that was on her night table.

"It is nine twenty."

Quinton took a deep breath and threw an arm over his face.

"I must get up unfortunately."

"Duty calls right?"

"Sadly. I'd much rather my duty be to stay in bed with you all day."

He moved suddenly and Nora found herself underneath him. He splayed himself on top of her and kissed all over her neck and collarbone. Nora gasped at the sensation and ran her hands through his hair and down onto his shoulders.  His hand found her waist and maneuvered up her body, pushing her night shirt up until they his hands could feel her naked breasts. Nora bit her lip as he teased her nipples. She heard him whisper her name and sensing his passions, Nora felt herself drifting away from all reason. His hands quickly followed his mouth and covered where his fingers once were. He sucked delicately, but with purpose, as a hand trailed down her body, Nora went rigid. Quinton sensed the change in her demeanor and looked up at her in question.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Nora said nothing but gave him a look that  spoke more than her words would.

"What is the matter?" He said with more urgency. He rose to a seating position on the side of the bed. 

"Please do not go through with what you're planning."

His puzzled expression was only heightened by her cryptic words until he understood the implications.

"Nora, I will not carry out with anything you're not comfortable with. What would make you think....," His voice trailed off. 

"I apologize again, Nora. I got carried away by my wanting of you but I promise from here on out to not lay a finger on you unless you ask me to."

Nora gave a small smile though she was still shaken up.

"It is time that I being getting ready. I have business to attend to later." He stood up and walked to the door that connected them .

Nora nodded her head in understanding, though she could not put off her glum expression. 

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