Flicker: Vingte-Sept (2/2)

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Quinton told his driver to press on the gas. The desperation in Mary's voice triggered him and he felt himself beginning to change. No one would threaten his establishment. He could only think about Nora. Blaine questioned him about what was wrong but Quinton didn't know how to respond. Quinton described the fear and panic that gripped Mary's words as she spoke to him. His adrenaline was surging now, thinking of all the possibilities. He thought mostly Nora's safety. His hands were on the armrest in a vise-like grip as the vehicle sped down the highway, rain spattering the windows. The earth was moving so fast around him but Quinton still felt stalled, his mind spinning, thinking of the number of outcomes that all seemed to end badly. His heart was beating erratically as they finally pulled into the long stretch of road that led to the mansion. The lights of Gillans poured across the grass, making large patches of milky yellow squares. The car had barely come to a halt when Quinton flung the door opened and raced up the steps. People stood huddled in the foyer, their faces etched in fear, holding sticks, and makeshift weapons. He searched the figures, everyone was accountable - all but one. He strode toward Tifa and her face blanched as she took in his face, which was darkened by fury.

"Where is she?" he roared.

Tifa's lips quivered but she forced out the words from her shaky lips.

"She said she was waiting for you...I went upstairs and I expected her to come up eventually but..."

"But what?" he stated, grabbing her by the arm in a near bone-crushing grip.

Tifa cried out.

"You're hurting me!" 

Blaine held Quinton's arm, pulling on it until he released Tifa who pulled away and bared her teeth at him before walking away and heading upstairs.  Quinton turned to Blaine, teeth already sharpened and gleaming in the light of the hall.

"There are more importing things at hand," Blaine stated harshly. Quinton shook Blaine off him but commanded Mary to point him in the direction of the intruder.

" W- well, whatever is still in there. The bathroom. We haven't sought to antagonize it. We haven't been able to find Nora anywhere."

He heard the words but he wasn't truly listening. Quinton was preparing for an attack. His senses started amplifying as his body began to morph. He was stripping off his shirt, gearing for a fight, completely livid. Traces of his humanity receding. He was ready to eliminate whatever threat dared find its way into his home.

He walked down the hallway, approaching cautiously. His heightened senses put him on full alert and he could smell something heady and potent in the air - mixed with the perspiration and blood.  Nora. He paused then, thinking over the details and he understood the magnitude of the situation.

"Out!" he shouted, "Everyone to the second floor now." 

They scurried up the stairs and when everyone had disappeared he got closer to the door, hugging his body towards it and listening to the scuffling and low grunting sounds. He could sense fear and confusion. There was a scratching at the door and he had a feeling that she was attempting to get out.

"Nora," he called gently. He felt his beast softening, realizing that was his mate behind the door.  He heard whimpering. "Nora I'm going to open the door now." 

Quinton reached for the knob carefully with shaky hands but turned his head at a sound. He saw Blaine standing, half concealed in shadow,  holding a long gun in his hand, his face grim. Quinton understood Blaine's purpose in being there. A full-fledged newly morphed wolf was behind that door. They nodded at each other, confirming without words what would be done in case things got out of hand. Quinton thought of the humans on the second floor, defenseless, apart from Tifa. He reached for the handle again and clenched it, swallowing hard before slowly opening the door. The door was sent flying and Quinton was practically knocked off his feet. A white blur barged out of the bathroom and skidded across the polished floor, bumping into the wall. Quinton saw Blaine raise his gun and Quinton shouted for him to wait as he took in the jittering mass of fur that was careening through the halls. She spun around, disoriented, pausing to look at him, cognizant. She was magnificent - white fur tinged brown at the tips and at her paws. She yelped at him and continued whimpering. She looked at Blaine and sensing the threat, growled, baring teeth. Blaine raised his arms and shot but she was already off,  whipping down the hallway and out of the open door into the pelting rain.

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