Flicker: Neuf (2/2)

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They sat across from one another, both anxious from anticipation.

The two sat in Quinton's bedroom. Nora was nervous and she gripped the arm of the seat so furiously she was sure she would break it off. Quinton had led them to his room after their discussion in the attic. Nora, when she realized they were going to his room, thought that he expected them to mate at that moment. Nora had panicked but Quinton assured her that he meant no harm - only to talk about terms that would serve them both well. She entered the room and looked at the large bed on which she had almost her innocence. She shuddered from the recollection of the feelings and emotions that had surged through her.

Quinton had her sit down before taking his own seat. They simply stared at each other for moments, analyzing each other's feelings. Nora could not keep her fear, confusion, and anxiousness at bay.

"Tell me what you are thinking?" Quinton asked in a soft tone.

Nora took in a breath, trying to get herself together.

"Um, just how sudden and unbelievable this all is."

"Nora. I apologize again for being so pigheaded."

"I accept your apologies."

"I appreciate that. Now tell me," He said, leaning towards her. "What do you want from me?"

"How do you mean?"

"What do you expect from me? What can I do to prove to you and gain your trust in me back?"

Nora was flabbergasted. He was saying to her all she had ever wanted to hear and more. She never thought the day would come.

"What's the matter? There must be one thing on your mind."

"Yes...I want you to stop telling me what to do all the time."

"Go on."

"I'm not one of your gammas that you can boss around. I'm my own person and as irritating as that might be to you, I have my own feelings, thoughts, and opinions. Just because I disagree with you doesn't mean it's just reason to be rude and insulting."

"I full-heartedly agree. Nora, before you came along, I was so unused to having to negotiate. My will was always done without hesitation. I forgot that as a beta I do have that authority, but as a man and a mate I cannot continue to order you around."

"Yes...and last time we spoke...you said that I may never see my family again. How could you hold what's so dear to me over my head?"

"Extortion, Nora. I have tried to obtain your compliance through force and threats and that is not okay. In fact, it is monstrous. I know how much your family means to you. No longer do you have to hide your true emotions from me in fear that I will strike out against them or you. Anything else?"

"I want to have a choice. I want to have some freedom to make decisions for myself. Most of all I want respect. You treat me like I am a child, too naive to care for myself. I do not disagree that there is much I do not know of the wolfen world, but you have to give me the chance to explore and learn on my own. I want to be your equal - not just your obligation."

"Fair enough. That is reasonable."

"And one more thing...I want you to make the efforts to be kind, and compassionate, and caring. To not only me but those around you."

Quinton did not say anything but he sat back in his chair and seemed to be mulling over her words.

"Nora, I know you think me cold-hearted. In fact, that is how I think of myself. I know no other way than to be myself. The traits you desire from me are foreign concepts and perhaps lay buried underneath all the rubble of my heart."

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