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Stripper Au

Freddy: Owner

Bonnie: Bartender

Red: co-owner

Clyde: Outfit designer

Spring: Bartender

Goldie: Bartender

Nightmare: Stripper

Plush: Frequent Customer

Power Au

Freddy: Shape-shifting

Bonnie: Telekinesis

Red: Healing

Clyde: Agility

Spring: Medium

Goldie: Sensing other's locations

Nightmare: Immortal

Plush: Controlling height

Killer Au

Freddy: Serial Killer

Bonnie: One time murderer

Red: Godfather

Clyde: Victim of the mafia.

Spring: Victim

Goldie: Spree murder

Nightmare: mariticide, uxoricide

Plush: Executionist

Mafia Au

Freddy: Mafioso - Killer

Bonnie: Consigliere - Collects information on others

Red: Godfather - Head of the mafia

Clyde: Consort - Distraction (mainly by seduction)

Spring: Framer - Frames others for murders

Goldie: Janitor - Cleans up the bodies

Nightmare: Blackmailer - Blackmails others into keeping quiet

Plush: Forger - Re-writes people's wills

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