"Why am I here Kylo?" I demanded.

I felt his presence stiffen beside me at the sound of my voice. I slightly smiled to myself, I still have the same effect on him. He plucked his helmet off his head and placed it beside him.

I looked into his eyes for the first time in what seemed like forever. You know for someone who walks around killing people, he shouldn't have such beautiful eyes. I use to gaze into his eyes for hours, snuggled into his embrace. A wave of sadness came over me, thinking of where we are now. I quickly brushed the thoughts away, I'm with Poe now. Things are different, the way they should be.

"I should be asking the questions sweetheart. You are in my interrogation room." He said, his nickname for me sent goosebumps down my spine. An effect he's always had on me.

I laid my head back on the chair, I can't stand looking at him any longer. It brings back to many raw feelings. My heart aches for him, but my mind is telling me to run away. I gulped and let out a sigh before lifting my head to look at him again.

"You know (y/n), I can still read your thoughts." He whispered, lifting a finger to trace the side of my face. My breath caught in my throat as his cold finger ran down my skin.

"I'm aware." I responded shortly.

"Good. Aren't you going to ask how your little boyfriend is doing?" He asked, almost taunting me with it. My eyes shot up to look into his, it slipped my mind that Poe was taken too.

"What did you do to him?" I whimpered, my heart racing and chest heaving.

Kylo chuckled, "Nothing, yet."

He turned his back and the door opened, letting him out of the room.

"Kylo don't hurt him!" I shouted after his retreating body as the door shut with a bang. My bottom lip trembled as I threw my head back onto the chair. My eyes filled with tears, I'm experiencing so much emotion my body doesn't know what to do with it. Kylo is toxic to my mind, body and soul. But he's everything I crave and need. I forgot how intense my feelings were for him until seeing him and feeling him so close to me again. I clenched my eyes shut, tears rolling down my flushed cheeks. He seemed so calm, like he was unaffected by my presence but I know deep down I've shaken him to the core.

Kylos P.O.V

I walked out of the room and heard her yell after me. I ignored the scream and kept walking till I was no longer near the room. It took everything inside me not to unlock her from those restraints. She strips me of my self control. Somehow, someway I'm a totally different person when it comes to those sweet blue eyes and curly locks. I've always been drawn to her, she's like a magnet I can't get enough of.

Thankfully I had enough strength to leave her there, I walked to the room her boyfriend was in and opened the door. I need to see my competition. The guy laid in the chair still completely knocked out. I read his thoughts, she was all over his mind.

I sat down in the chair across from him, skipping through his memories of her. She's happy with him. If he can keep her happy then I guess that's more than what I could've given her. Without a word I walked back out of the room. I need some air.

(Y/N)'s P.O.V

I sat in my chair, thoughts of both Kylo and Poe flooding my mind. What is the chance I end up here again, there has to be a reason. I either am suppose to stay and give Kylo another chance or I am to burn any bridges there are between us and turn my back on him forever. The thought of never seeing him again after just getting him back somehow breaks my heart all over again. I can't leave. I don't have the strength to leave, not again.

I dozed off and before I knew it I was being woken up. I clenched my eyes together and slowly let them open, hoping the previous events were just a dream but to my dismay Kylo stood in front of me, mask less. Taking my breath away once again with his mysterious but handsome looks.

"Where's Poe?" I asked, before even processing the question.

"Dead." Kylo responded, short and sweet.

My throat tightened up, he has to be bluffing. Unless he really hasn't changed at all.

"You can go see for yourself, if you'd like." He said, again no trace of emotion in his voice. The restraints on my body opened and I dropped to the floor. I quickly stood to my feet and brushed my dirty grey tank top and black tight pants off. Dust fell to the ground from my musty clothing. With nothing else said, Kylo exited the room leaving me alone. Confused I peeked around the corner of the door and  Kylo was still walking away. I stepped out of the room and ran down the hall hoping I would come across a room with Poe in it.

One room caught my eye and I stopped to look inside, Poe was strapped to the chair bloody and beaten up but not dead. He was communicating with two storm troopers that were in the room with him. I stepped back from the door, confused. Why would Kylo tell me he was dead if he wasn't? I obviously couldn't get Poe out now because I would be caught and god knows what those storm troopers would do to me if they found me. I quickly ran down the hall, opposite the way I came. I started to recognize certain rooms, I came to a hault. Room 412. I put my palm against it and closed my eyes. Memories flooding my mind.

** My dress flowed behind me as walked down the hall, Kylo following closely. I glanced behind me and shot him a flirty smile. He smiled back and watched my every move as we came across room 412. I pointed to the numbers, "This will be our room." I said, looking back at him. He laughed and used the force to open the door, it revealed a dark unoccupied room. "See, perfect." I whispered, dragging him inside. He closed the door behind me and pushed me up against it, my back hit the cold metal and I arched my back towards him. His hands found my hips, and his lips found mine in a heated kiss. "Our room." He repeated to me, before kissing me again. **

That night we got lost in each other, every touch, kiss and breath was like heaven. I never wanted that night to end. Everything seemed so great that night. It felt right to be with him in that way. Every night after, room 412 was our place. We met up there to talk, sleep and be with each other in general. It truly was ours, something no one could take from us.

I opened my eyes, and I jumped backwards as the dark figure of Kylo loomed over me.

"How long have you been there?" I quickly asked, my cheeks flushing a light pink color.

"Long enough." He responded, short as always.

"I was just-just reminiscing.." I whispered biting my lip.

"Don't worry, I do it all the time." He answered looking at the door. I glanced up at him and back at the door. Kylo waved his hand and the door opened up. I hesitantly walked inside, glancing around. Nothing has changed, literally everything is in the same place as we left it over 2 years ago.

"I haven't touched it sense you left, part of me was hoping you'd come back so I wouldn't have to deal with it." He said honestly. I laughed slightly, running my fingers over the desk with a mess of papers on it. Drawings, documents, and random letters. The bed in the middle of the room, was still a mess from the last time we had slept in it. The sheets were bundled at the bottom of the bed, Kylo always kicked them off during the night because he got to hot.

"You remember..." he said, slightly more of a question than a statement. I looked up at him, "Of course I remember, how could I forget." I trailed off... "Why did you leave me?" He asked, clearing his voice trying to keep his voice from breaking.

My heart broke at the question, "We are wrong for each other." I answered looking up into his eyes. He carefully placed a hand on my cheek, "Tell me.. does this feel wrong to you?" He whispered before placing a gentle kiss on my lips. Instantly I wrapped my fingers in his hair, pulling him closer to me. It's like he's my oxygen, I need him like I need air. He pulled away slightly, and traced my bottom lip with his finger.

"It feels so right that it should be wrong..." I whispered back before bringing him back down for another needy kiss.

Okay so I'm so sorry it's been so long! But I'm back and I hope you enjoy this imagine as much as I did writing it! All of the sudden I got in this writing frenzy and typed away! Thank you all for being so patient! And I apologize if there is any mistakes! I typed it all on my phone!

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