While Steel Fitness was on the bloom, Bryon also started Steel Industries, to become a small business owner. He has bought and backed many lucrative businesses across the country. He spent his money investing in everything he could get his hands on, mostly small businesses and even some start-up companies. He took a small chunk of his money and bought stock in companies that he knew would get him a huge return. With all of his earnings combined Bryon is worth more than a quarter of a billion dollars.

Because of his deep pockets and his dashing good looks, Byron Steel is currently one of the most eligible bachelors on the west coast. With the amount of women fawning at his feet, he was in no short supply of companions. All those who knew of him knew that Byron Steel loved to spend his time with beautiful women. They walked in and out his life at a steady pace and according to his schedule.

Byron was never with any woman for too lengthy a time period. He gave them all six weeks maximum. He believed that this gave him just enough time to get what he wanted out of them. It was enough time to court them, get them in his bed, use them as a bit of arm candy, and break it off before they got too clingy. Occasionally he had to break it off before the six weeks was up, but never after. Any woman that wanted to get with Byron knew that they had an expiration date.

Cera walked towards the couple with an out stretched hand and a smile plastered on her face.

"Hi, welcome to Michaelson Fashions. How can I assist you today?"

Bryon and the woman who had yet to be introduced each took their turn shaking Cera's hand, Bryon holding on just a fraction of a second too long before he explained the reason for their visit.

"We're here to pick out a few nice things for my girl here."

"What's the occasion?" Cera asked her question knowing what Byron's shopping trips usually entailed. She decided not to embarrass the woman by revealing that her store was the place he usually brought his women. While some women he dated didn't know, the shopping trip at his expense was part of the package.

"Well she's going to a few events with me so she needs to look the part. She needs a couple of cocktail dresses and one formal gown. Then she can have a few more outfits of her choosing."

Now knowing the order that needed to be filled Cera turned all of her attention to the young woman. "There are two things that I need to know before we get started; first, what is your name?

"My name is Jasmine. Jasmine Black." The woman answered in a soft but raspy voice.

"Well is it nice to meet you Jasmine. Now the second question that I need answered is: who is your Michaelson Fashion Icon?"

Jasmine looked at Cera with a puzzled look on her face. "I'm sorry. I don't follow."

"Here at Michaelson Fashions we have five fashion icons. Each icon has her own unique style. First, there is Coletta. She has more of a contemporary conservative style. You will rarely find her in a skirt that doesn't touch her knees and she will never wear a pair of jeans."

Cera breaks down the details of her line to Jasmine as the three of them take a tour around the store. Cera makes it a point to explain her vision of her business to her customers. Next to her family her love of fashion was the most important thing in her life. She decided to combine the two and create a line that was based on the styles of herself and her sisters. Each woman had a style that was all their own and Cera liked to come up with new and creative designs to showcase the best of each.

"Next up is Cera; her style is centered more on the simple with just a pop of flash and most of the flash comes from her accessories. And shoes, Cera lives for killer pair of heels. After Cera is Caprice. Caprice loves bold styles. You can always find her in the most risqué outfits that will make any man or woman's eyes pop out of their heads." Cera smiled to herself as she talked animatedly about her fashion line. She was so proud of herself and all the work she put in to get this point. She could not wait until she could expand her business even more.

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