Change of Love

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"Are you sure you want to do this, Poseidon?" I sat beside my loved one as we made our way across the ocean towards Mount Olympus. He looked off into the distance taking in the cool air that was drifting over the waves. An expression that seemed similar to fear went across his face before it quickly disappeared.

"Isn't this what you want?" He said after he turned towards me. "To be together with me? To stop this wedding with Zelus? To put a stop to Zeus' tyrant rule?"

"That is what I want." I responded without hesitation. There was no way in he'll I was letting my father get his way again. Not after what he's put most of his family too.

"I just want to understand..."

"Understand what?" Poseidon lay back on my thighs as I continued to speak.

"Why is father like this? What was the point of ridding the world from Kronos, if he is just as bad?"

"Just as bad? Well, at least Zeus doesn't engulf us."

"You know what I mean, Poseidon." I looked down at him expecting him to answer seriously.

He sighed, "In some ways what you are saying is true but Kronos...he was much more fearsome than Zeus. I assure you that my brother is ten times more acceptable. It's just that he's, how should I say, a lost cause. Especially when things don't go his way."

"Sounds like someone I know."

"You can't be speaking of me because I've changed."

"Apparently not to Hades."

"He will understand one day."

"I'm not so sure about that." A sudden voice ran through our ears out of nowhere causing us both to stand up.

"M' Lord is not the forgiving type."

"Thanatos?" Poseidon said and his shoulders settled.

Thanatos appeared in front of us in a dark portal. "Yes?"

"Don't frighten us like that."

"Forgive me God of the sea, but I'm supposed to remain unseen well...unless you are talking falsely about M'Lord."

"It was all false then? So Hades' will never forgive me then?"

"M'Lord can be humble on some occasions- when it benefits him- but he will not stand for liars such as yourselves. Not anymore then you both will stand for Zeus' tyranny."

"I would not speak badly about the goddess of wisdom and war right in front her. I will not stand for insolence."

Thanatos smiled showing all of his teeth in the process, that is to say, if he had any. Looking into his mouth was like staring into the void of one of his portals. 

I stepped backward trying not to cringe outwardly. 

"Is something amiss, goddess of wisdom?" Thanatos sneered my name like he was biting into a piece of raw flesh. God's this frighting exist? 

"Alright, that is enough from you, servant of Hades. Your task was only to appear when we are in danger and nothing else."

"Haha, I don't like that commanding tone of yours Poseidon but since it was M'Lords orders, then I will abide by the rules...until they no longer apply." The dark god stepped back into a black entrance that was not there before, then dissapeared right infront of our eye's.

"You alright?"

"Yes," I nodded softly, "I'm fine, lets just keep foward.


I'm not sure what we were thinking when we walked up to Mount Olympus with our head's held high. When I think back on it, all I can say is how naive we had been at the time. Still, things didn't turn out as--

"Athena and Poseidon. This is an unusual gathering." Zeus said without malice and only with integrity, for he knew his decision reigns over all of us.

"Father, you know I will not marry Zelus, not even if you take my powers away."

"Mm..." Zeus looked at Poseidon with anger before turning back to me. "Why him, Athena? Poseidon, the whorish sea god with a temper to bait him."

"I'm afraid you're talking only about yourself, brother. Should I remind you the many times you've cheated on your wife?"
Zeus smirked despite his brothers insult. "I guess no one, except for my dear older brother Hades, is free from this slander of ours. But that does not mean that I will give you to my favorite daughter." Zeus stood slowly and walked down the long stairwell with his hands behind his back. This descend may have seemed like a casual stroll to those who know nothing of my father, but all of us knew. We knew that when the might Zeus desended the steps, he was ready for a fight.

"I will give you a chance Poseidon; a chance to fight me. And if you win, by that I mean have my knees touch the ground, I will let you have my precious daughter."
Zeus closed his eyes and snapped his fingers bringing about Hermes.

"Yes, father?" He questioned with a slight bow.
"I need you to spectate this fight for me. Whoever falls to the ground 1st, wins."

"Of course, father." Hermes left the middle of the floor and walked towards me.
"I'm surprised that you would want him out of all people, sister."

"Tell me that when you're not crushing on your brothers past lover now known as Hephestaus' wife."

"It would be best if you were to stay quiet, Athena. Last time I checked, you cursed an innocent bystander."

"When did you become such a smart mouth?"

"...When my heart was broken."

His heart? Well, not that I would know anything about it, for I've only known how to hate. But because I'm changing my ways, maybe ill be able to understand what it means to be loved and then hopefully not...end up with a broken heart...

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