Saving of Love

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Poseidon's POV

"Athena!" Pheme yelled as I came out of the water.
"Athena! Can you hear me."

"Stop yelling." I held the limping body of Athena in my arms. How could I not have sensed that wave coming!?

"God Zeus will kill you if he finds out what has happened."

"He won't because she is not going to die you, idiot!...I would never let that happen." I said softly while moving Athena's hair from her face. Like hell am I ever going to let her die because of my carelessness?

After putting Athena down on the softened sand, I pulled out my trident from the water behind me.

"Poseidon, aren't you going to give her mouth to mouth?"

"Yes, I will after I see drag out most of the water with my trident."
While hovering the blue staff over her chest I felt the water within her lodged between her lungs. Slowly, I maneuvered it out trying not to disturb her other bodily organs. Honestly, there wasn't that much water than I thought there would be which is better of course.



"Promise me you won't tell anyone what has happened today?" I looked into her brown eyes before she smirked.

"I can promise if everything in Crete goes well."

Wench...I thought as I looked back down at Athena.
Her brown hair spread around her shoulders looking as beautiful as the waves of the sea. Her bright pink lips parted ever so slightly and created a perfect gleam as I rubbed my thumb across them. Slowly, I pulled them open, then leaned down and put my lips on hers.
Not so much a kiss, as I pumped her chest every few seconds, then blew more air into her chest.
Too soon, did the goddess began coughing up the burning sea water. I slightly tilted her body upward with my arm behind her head.
Athena's eyes fluttered open in a hurry looking at all of her surroundings before they landed on me.
I quickly cracked a smile, "Good morning princess."

She held her eyes on mine for what seemed to be an eternity.


I blinked upward towards Pheme. "What?"

"Is she alright?"

"Of course, I'm the one that saved her."

"You're the one that almost drowned her as well." 

"...Yes..." I looked down at Athena once more. She seemed to be in a daze otherwise she would have pushed me off. "Forgive me, I wasn't paying attention." I smiled down at her and received a slight blush.

In truth, I was distracted. When I looked upon Athena's sleeping face, my control over the waves dissipated. I should be glad we were close to land.


"What is it now, Pheme?"

"Isn't that Hermes?"

I looked up to the sky at the floating messenger God. This wasn't good. Hermes always reports directly back to Zeus if anything major happens. And the drowning of Zeus's favorite daughter was one of them.

"Hermes, what brings you here?" I tried to sound as innocent as possible.

Hermes floated down until he stood right in front of me, staring down at Athena.

"Why is my your arms?" Hermes, who usually looks innocent, glared at me like I was his enemy. I believe the rumors were right, Hermes has changed.

"Well, she--"

Hermes ignored me and bent down over Athena. "Athena, can you hear me? Tell me what happened?"

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