Drowning of Love

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"A reasonable but secretive women, with her pardoned nights and blue-green eyes; that is the goddess of war."

"You're actually reading that grotesque scroll?" I questioned Poseidon as we sailed upon his domain. With his floating chariot no less. He forced us upon it, mostly to threaten Pheme with drowning her if she did not fulfill her promise. I am known to loathe long trips, but if that means I get to be with Poseidon, I will cease my loathing. 

"Humans point out the most passionate points of the gods in their writing. So I take it upon myself to read them ever so often, for they are genuine." Poseidon said as his eyes scanned over the scroll. His fingers ever so delicately traced the words as he silently read. No one knew how much I wanted those muted lips upon mine in a sense of wanting. For I have never been kissed...by anyone in such a needed manner.

"That's not what I've heard?" Pheme intersected.

"Oh? And what more lies will you tell us Pheme?" Poseidon set the scroll aside and crossed his arms.

"Humans are just as bad as us, if not worse."

"Only when they have made contact with the gods do things go wrong."

"Yes, it is no wonder that every woman you've slept with goes insane." 

Poseidon lowered his gaze to the wooden flooring. "I believe I've made a chance."

"A chance for what, exactly?" 

"A chance for them to better themselves and see how wrong it is to give into a god's desires."

"Better themselves?!" Pheme whipped around to glare at the sea god. "What about Medusa?!"

A sudden pang of hurt struck my heart as Pheme said that disgusting name. For she ruined everything with her poise and beauty. I did not want to be reminded of the time when Lore reported that Poseidon, who I invited over for a meeting, was found in the bed with Medusa. Through my anger and jealousy, I cursed her with a head of serpents and eyes of stone. For she will NEVER be able to look upon any man again! With those slithering snakes on her head bring her the vile ugliness she deserves! Because HOW DARE SHE TAKE WHATS RIGHTFULLY MINE!!


"Huh?" I swiftly looked around to see Pheme and Poseidon staring at me.

"Whats wrong? You were in a trance."

I cleared my throat and straightened my face, "Nothing...just thinking..." It grew quiet for a while with Poseidon reading through his scrolls and both Pheme and I looking out at the horizon.Sometimes I would catch myself eyeing Poseidon and his dainty movements. For hours I stood there, not even realizing the sun had set.

"Maybe you should sit down and rest?" Poseidon's deep voice rang through my ears.

"I'm fine, really."

"....You know, Athena I've known you your whole life and I've never seen you rest."

"Resting in front of anyone is a sign of weakness." I heard Poseidon move around behind me before I noticed he was mere inches away from touching me, seeming to also be watching the stars.

"If rest was a sign of weakness, then we would all be dead." Blue eyes settled on mine as I slowly looked over at him. Is it bad to say, I've never talked with Poseidon this close before? Even in the night sky, I can see his deep blue eyes reflecting upon the many stars and the bright moon. And for that one moment...I knew why I fell in love with him.

Who cares for his lustrous acts and dispassionate statements. Who cares that he is reckless and callous. I know I can never love anyone else as much as I love him...

"Even the great Kronos rested. Well, when he wasn't trying to swallow us whole he did." Poseidon smirked as he talked about his sad past. But honestly, how could he smile about such a thing? I know for sure father never would.

"You may be right," the words came breathlessly from my mouth as tried to keep my composure, "I guess I could rest a little while."


Even though I said I would rest, I can't because of the constant rocking of this boat. Curse us for agreeing with Poseidon on traveling this way.

Somehow, the sea God must have read my thoughts, because the rocking ceased as if it never existed. Slightly opening my eyes, I caught sight of Poseidon pointing at the water with his trident. Was he doing this for me? Was my last thought before I drifted off into a wonderful dream.

"What are you going to do when you get to Crete anyway?" Poseidon's voice interrupted my dream, making me sigh at the sound of it.

"Personal matter."

"Do you think you deserve to keep secrets when you tell everyone else's?"

"But Poseidon, what does it matter if I spread a rumor about you sleeping with random women, it's not like you're not known for it?"

Poseidon didn't speak for a while. I almost opened my eyes to see what he was doing until he finally spoke.

"What if I said I wanted to change myself."

"HAHAHA! Please! You?!" Pheme continued laughing extremely loud. It was very irritating.

"Shush. You're going to wake Athena."
My heart thumped when he said my name. If only I had opened my eyes to see his lips speak it.

"Her sleeping face makes her look less menacing." That comment made me want to slap Pheme, but I didn't. I wanted to hear Poseidon's response.

"Mmm...you are right...she looks bea--"

Almost instantly, I felt water hit my back as the boat was suddenly flipped over.
I opened my eyes before my body was dragged under the water. I barely even had time to hold my breath, as I tried to pull myself up and out of the water. Yet, I couldn't...
A strong current was dragging me down. The sunlight began to fade as I felt myself drowning in the depths of Poseidon's sea.

Where is he? Can he not see me? Or did he just not care?

For whatever his reasoning was, I still love him...and I don't regret doing so.... Poseidon.....

His name was my last thought before I felt my mouth being filled with horrid amounts of water. Only my sudden gasp for air was left...but there was none.....only the water to be filled in the necessary holes of my soul....

Everyone! Tell me how you like it so far? 

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