• twenty three •

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Youngjae's high school life had started out pretty shitty and he was completely alone, but now here he was, preparing for the last weeks of high school, 7 great friends and of course his amazing boyfriend being one of them.

He had never imagined he'd get this far, he had never imagined he'd be this happy.

The Art Contest for an art scholarship was finally here and even though he had already finished his piece he was still extremely nervous to present it to professional artists.

Twelve pieces were submitted and each hung on the wall in an empty white room.

"Each artist will explain to the judges what their piece is and answer a few questions about it. Then you will all be taken out of the room and only the final winner's art will remain in this wall and will be revealed at the end. The winner will be offered a $20,000 scholarship to the Art School of their choice."

Each art was covered in a white cloth, and they called artists in one by one to explain their piece.

"Choi Youngjae."

He looked over to his friends who were sitting and yelling "You can do it!" and he also noticed how Jaebum threw little hand hearts at him which helped with his anxiety and he walked in ready and with a smile.

The white cloth was pulled down to reveal his painting.

"Please explain your painting and what art is to you."

He took a big breath and nodded.

"Well for me, art is something beautiful, something that is meaningful to you and that every time you look at it, you feel a certain way, whether its happy or sad, art has different emotions. As for my piece, I chose to paint something that makes me happy, something beautiful in my eyes that I can look at forever and never get tired of its beauty."

"Thank you Mr. Choi."

He bowed and walked out, feeling all the anxiety and stress leaving his body.

The rest of the students went in and out and finally one of the judges came out to bring them all back in.

"All of your pieces were beautiful and you've all worked very hard, but as you all know there is one winner."

The white cloth remained covering the winning piece.

"This piece for me was different and stood out the most. The explanation of it was extremely beautiful aswell," the judge walked over to the piece and slowly pulled the cloth down.

You could hear gasps and wow's from the crowd.

"Congratulations to Choi Youngjae!"

He did not know what to do, he could not believe it. He could hear the cheers and applause which finally made him move his feet and go and accept his big check and metal.

"Your piece spoke to me. You represented love and how the love of our lives are the most beautiful masterpieces in our eyes," another judge said.

"Thank you so much!" he smiled happily.

The painting of Jaebum stood out on the plain white wall as everyone looked at in awe, a few of the girls from their school squealed and gave Youngjae a thumbs-up and he watched as a bunch of people gathered to look at it.

Jaebum finally reached him in the crowd and pulled him into a deep kiss ignoring the cheers of the crowd around them.

Living With The D.E.V.I.L. (2Jae)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora