• five •

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   They spent their Saturday away from each other.

  Youngjae got to really know his new friends as they all sat around eating and sharing funny stories about each other. It was nice.

"What do you guys think of Im Jaebum?* Jackson suddenly asked out of nowhere.

  "He's very rude, has no respect for anyone, I could go on," answered Mark.

   "Yeah, but he gets hella girls. If that many girls liked me, I would be the happiest guy in the world," added Bambam. (so many girls do like you, including myself xD)

    "He rejects all of them though," said Jackson.

   "Oh my god, maybe he's gay!" shouted Bambam.

  At that moment Youngjae had taken a sip of his water and began choking on it.

  "You okay?" asked Mark.

  Youngjae wiped his face and nodded quickly.

  "Nah, he's just cold blooded. He's literally the devil of our school," added Jackson.

  Youngjae sat there, unable to say anything because he was afraid he'd say the wrong thing and reveal that he was living with this so called devil.

   They spent the rest of the day at the arcade, then they went and played some outdoor sports and had a good day.

  "Alright we should all head home, its supposed to rain and  thunder a lot tonight," warned Bambam as it was getting dark out.

  "Thank you for today guys, I had a lot of fun," Youngjae smiled and waved.

   Bambam was right, soon enough heavy rain began falling. He ran to the door as quickly as possible but there was so much rain he still managed to get a little wet.

  The lights were off in the house and he noticed the power was out. Great.

  He never thought the amount of candles his sister would give him could ever come in use. She was obsessed with candles, she had a collection. (same)

  He used his phone flashlight to find his way into his room and soon enough he lit a couple candles and placed them around the house.

  Had Jaebum not come home yet? As much as he didn't want to admit it, he was getting kind of worried. He changed out of his clothes and was about to sit on the couch when he felt something. A body?

"Watch where you're sitting."


  He had on headphones and was under a blanket. He looked somewhat frightened.

  "Are you okay?"

  He got up from his spot and removed his headphones. "I'm fine."


  The loud noise caused Jaebum to jump in fear and grab ahold of Youngjae's arm and pull him down on the couch.

  "A-are you alright?" Youngjae asked with a concerned look on his face.

  "I'm fine," he repeated.

  "You don't seem fine," Youngjae eyed down at his hand and Jaebum realized that he had gotten a tight hold of Youngjae's arm and was holding on for dear life.

He quickly let go. "I'm just not a very big fan of rain and thunder.  There are you happy? Are you gonna tell the whole school now?

  He had finally figured out Jaebum's weakness. The big bad devil was afraid of rain and thunder? How ironic.


"Well there you go, you know my embarrassing fear."

"It's not embarrassing. We all are afraid of something."


He jumped again.

  "Try laying on the floor and staring up at the ceiling with music playing in your ears. It helps me when I'm stressed. It might work for you," Youngjae suggested.

  "That's the dumbest thing I've ever heard," he scoffed.

  Youngjae frowned. He was just trying to help.

  Jaebum noticed his frown and lay himself on the ground.

  "Pick your favorite song, and only think of good memories, I'm heading to bed now, it was a long day."

  Jaebum grabbed onto his leg when another erupting sound came from outside. "Could you like maybe, stay with me till the thunder stops?"

  Was Jaebum really being nice to him for once? He actually wanted Youngjae to be near him?


   They lay there, looking at the dark ceiling. Youngjae noticed how Jaebum got closer but then he realized he was offering him the other earphone.

Don't wanna be lonely

Just wanna be yours

Youngjae smiled at the song choice. It was one of his favorite too. I guess they had something in common after all.


  He noticed how Jaebum flinched and shut his eyes tightly. Without thinking, he grabbed his hand. When he looked at him, the lights from the candles shone on his face and at that moment he understood why so many girls were after Jaebum. He was handsome, very handsome.

  He noticed how he calmed down at his touch and he was very surprised when Jaebum didn't move his hand away from his but instead held it tightly.

Listen to my heartbeat

It calls you whenever it wants to

Because within this pitch black darkness

You are shining so brightly

  Jaebum didn't want to reveal his fears to anyone. Especially something as pathetic as thunder. But, being here, with him, it was very comforting. He felt warm and no longer alone. But that's something he would never admit to Youngjae.

  Their fingers still intertwined, they lay there listening to the sound of soft music. Safe and sound.

I need your love

Before I fall.

I was gonna update yesterday but I was super tired and had a terrible headache so to make up for it I updated early today and will most likely publish two chapters instead of one.









Living With The D.E.V.I.L. (2Jae)Where stories live. Discover now