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Merry Christmas!!! (a day late sorryI know I know finally an update. I'm terrible. I'll try updating earlier.


   It was night. The room almost filled with darkness except for the lamp that shone a warm light across the living room.

  They sat on the floor. Youngjae continued to stare speechlessly at him.

  "Because, I love you."

  Jaebum noticed how he was unable to say anything back and began regretting it. Maybe it wasn't the right time? Youngjae was going through a lot right now.

  "I'm sorry. . . I shouldn't have blurted that out like that, especially now th-"

   He was cut off with Youngjae's soft lips against his own. His eyes closed shut as they moved their lips in perfect rhythm.

   "I love you too. So much," Youngjae confessed back after gently pulling away from their kiss.

  Jaebum smiled brightly and brought his lips to his again. His hands moved all over. He craved him. He didn't want to ever let him go.

  Youngjae's back met the carpet as Jaebum's body lay on his. 

 Jaebum sucked on Youngjae's bottom lip which caused a light moan to escape his mouth. That made Jaebum's blood rush through his body and he took control.

  His mouth moved down Youngjae's neck, kissing from his jaw to his collarbone.

  "J-Jaebum w-wait..."

  He quickly stopped and looked up at the angel with concern written on his features.

  "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" he checked him all over with worry.

  "No, no you didn't. . . I just don't think that . . . I'm ready," he spoke with a nervous tone. "I'm sorry."

  "I understand," he helped him back off from the floor. "You don't have to apologize. I love and respect you and we don't have to rush into anything if you're not ready."

  "You're not mad?"

  "Why would I be mad silly? I want you to feel comfortable, and I respect your feelings."

  "Thank you so much."

  "Of course, we should head to bed.

  They lay in bed together and slept.


  "Youngjae oppa!" Yuni waved at him as he walked towards the school entrance with Jaebum.

  "Hi Yuni," he smiled when he reached her and noticed how Jaebum tensed up next to him. close.Are you okay? You hung up on me the last time I called so I wasn't sure if something bad had happened. I hope I didn't do anything to make you mad at me for," she talked fast.

  Everything came back to him. He had completely hung up on her and had went to find Jaebum after their kiss.

  "Oh right, I'm sorry about that. Everything is fine."

   "I'm glad. I want to ask if you can go to that art museum I mentioned," she asked cheerfully.

  Youngjae tensed up and turned to Jaebum.

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