I forgive you

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Harry ran his hands through his messy hair as he stood outside the door to the girls dorms. He knocked desperately. "Come on, please? Pansy, Daphne? Millicent, anyone?" He begged. About to give up, Pansy opened the door quickly and ran out.

"Oh thank god, Potter- you broke my best friends heart and I'm going to kill you-"

"Whoa whoa whoa- listen, just let me talk to Dray."

Pansy glared at Harry, but slowly nodded and let him in. "Don't let anybody know about this, unless you wanna loose even more house points."

Harry nodded quickly and walked in, looking around, before his eyes landed on the one bed with the curtains shut tightly around it.
Knowing that this one had to be Drays, he walked over and pulled one of the curtains back gently.


A head of tangle, unwashed blonde hair laid on the pillow, fast asleep.

Harry smiled sadly at her. He laid down next to her and hugged her tightly, pulling the girl into his chest and kissing her hair gently.

Drays eyebrows furrowed and her face scrunched up. "Mhmmm...." she whined as she slowly began to wake up.

"Shhh....." Harry played with her hair and tried to soothe her.

"H-Harry!" She gasped, shooting up, trying the flatten her hair and wipe the tear smeared make up from her pale face.

"Dray, settle down, settle down." Harry sighed and grabbed her hands, holding them in his.

"You-what are you doing in here." Dray said, trying hard to use her dignity, though it was hard seeing as she was in an ice cream stained blue t shirt and fuzzy pajama pants with cats on them.

"I came to see my girlfriend." Harry smirked and leaned in to kiss her.

Dray giggled loudly and leaned in as well, kissing Harry happily and wrapping her arms around his shoulders and neck.

After, Harry slowly pulled away and looked into her eyes.

"I forgive you."

Dray giggled loudly.

"Thank you...."

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