"I scored on you." Kelley says and I chuckle a little.

"Won't happen again, O'Hara." I say and she raises a brow.

"Wanna bet?"

"Nope." I say before getting back into position as Alex and Danica kick off, when I get the ball, Alex rushes into space, so I meg Kerr with a pass to Alex and rush to support her, taking the through pass she sends me, and meg Kelley before beating the back line to it and put the ball into the net through the upper right ninety. I run to Alex and hug her as we're tackled to the ground by Danica and Dani before we get up and back into formation.

During half time, Ash and I sit together waiting until everyone is settled before we speak, of course, Ash makes me go first, so I stand up and speak after taking one last drink of my water.

"Guys, I know some of you are thinking that we've got this, we're up 4-1, with Alex's goal a couple of minutes ago, but we've still got another forty five minutes to play in this game and a lot of shit can happen. So if you're feeling like cocky little assholes, let us know so we can get someone on the field who hasn't played yet. Yeah, we may be number four in the league right now, but that means nothing, if we want a better chance at that star over our hearts next year, we need to pull out all the stops and work our asses off this game and in the game next week." I say and everyone nods silently as I sit down and look at Ash.

"Nah man, I can't follow that up." Ash says and I shrug, continuing to drink my water as Tom comes in.

"First off, this game isn't over, let's keep this lead. Now, Y/N, join Alex this next half," He says and the rest I kinda just ignore because he's telling who is switching places with who, who is shifting positions for the second half, when he leaves, we all remain silent until we go out and warm up again. When the game starts again, Sky Blue has the ball again, so I shift up with Alex when the ball is kicked into play, after a couple of minutes of defending, Dani gets the ball and sends it up, so Alex chases it down while I stay with the back line, waiting for a cross, when it comes, I level it and pass to Dani, since she's in a better position to score, which she does. Sky Blue kicks off again, and we get back to work, constant back and forth of possession, yet nothing comes out of it, until, you know Lytle gets the ball and tries to send it up field, but instead of the ball going up field, it goes straight to my face.


I sit on the bench watching Taylor with the ball, and continue to watch as Y/N moves to get the ball from her, but jump to my feet when Taylor tries to send the ball up the field, but the ball hits Y/N, who hits the ground immediately, holding her face, the game is stopped as Alex rushes over, the ref a few yards behind Alex as Y/N just lays on the ground hiding her face, Alex kneels next to her and pulls Y/N's hands from her face. After a couple of minutes, Y/N gets up from the ground and turns to where I can see her and I just stare at the blood coming from her nose and grimace when she does and see that there's blood on her teeth. She's sent off right away and play resumes with ten players on for Orlando while Y/N is checked over and cleaned up while I get a drink from the colder bottles which are closer to where Y/N and Orlando's medical staff are.

"No, I know the date, I know it's almost eight, I'm fine." Y/N says as I glance over to see her pulling her jersey off while the blood is cleaned off of her face for her. The trainer sighs and pulls out the nose plugs, hands one to Y/N, since only the left nostril is bleeding, and puts it in, of course, Y/N winces as it goes deeper, but she stays still as it's put in, and takes some water, rinsing her mouth before spitting out bloody water before taking a new jersey from the equipment manager, when Y/N is finally back in game shape, she walks over to the fourth official who checks her over before sending her back in as soon as the ball goes out of bounds.

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