Chapter 17

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My heart dropped when she said that. I was praying they was ok. I saw a doctor coming in the waiting and was hoping he was here for Tracy.

"Family of... Tracy Wright?" I was the first To get up and I wanted him to just get straight to the point.

"Is she ok? Is the baby ok?" I asked.

"Are you family to her?"

"Yes. Just tell me if their ok." i said.

"They're both ok. It wasn't a major wreck. Witness said that Tracy was sitting at a stop light and the driver was going a tad bit fast and hit the back bumper. Unfortunately it was a hit in run but you can bring that up with the police." He said and he looked at his papers again. "She has to take it easy, for her and the baby's sake. Usually when pregnant women get into accidents they worry about the placenta or the baby being  distressed ."

"I was just about to ask about that." Caroline said.

"It didn't get out of place and the baby is completely fine. But I have to say, if the hit was any harder then it probably would of been a different story. But I'm glad Tracy decided to come get checked out. Most women wouldn't do that."

"Can we see her?"

"Follow me." we followed him and went in the room.

"Hey." Tracy said as we walked in.

"How you doing?" Caroline said.

"I'm doing fine." She said and all of a sudden she started crying.

"What's wrong?" I put my hand on hers.

"I could've lost our baby. I could've lost my life." her tears streamed down more and I wiped them.

"But you didn't. ok? Don't beat yourself up. You didn't asked for that to happened. I'm just glad you both are fine." I said and I kissed her forehead.

"Is my sister ok?" Bubba asked.

"Yes baby. Your sister is ok." Caroline said.


Ron had took Tracy car to get the bumper fixed and Tracy went home with Caroline. Man I just got a lot going on its just ridiculous.

"The life of Ricko Alexander." I said sitting on my bed at home. I need to get my mind off of everything.

?????? POV

Phone Call

???: Hello

???: So what you doing?

???: Man how much you gone pay me?

???: I said 15k

???: Man that ain't enough for what you want me to do.

???: its gone have to be

???: shxt no it ain't. My life is on the line for this.

???: How much then?

???: 30k

???: Whatever deal. I'll stop by to give you the money but you better do what I say.... I want Ricko dead.





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