Chapter 5

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"Are you serious?" I said and she started crying. I felt bad for her. I know me and her wasn't good at the moment but I wouldn't wish her to have something like that. It's just horrible.

"He said that he went to go get checked and he was positive and I might be too. But we haven't had sex in 6 days and he don't know how long he's had it. He got it from some chick. I should of suspected him to be a cheater." She said crying more and I went to hug her. "I'm just stupid."

"No you're not. Ok?" i said crying with her. I felt so bad. "We'll just go get you tested and pray it don't come out positive. Ok? You're going to be fine." I said as she cried some more in my arms.

"Ok." she wiped her tears and looked at me. "I really am sorry."

"Its all cool. You was feeling him a lot and just blinded by love."

"Yeah. Well I'm going to the clinic."

"You need me to come with you?"

"No I'm fine. But thanks anyways." she said hugging me and I hugged her back.

"No problem. When the results come, just tell me."

"Ok bye Trace."

"Bye big booty." I said making a smile come on her face. She left out the door and I locked it behind her then went back to the room.

"y'all cool?" Ricko asked as he watched tv.


"So I was thinking about going to go see my Pops today. You want to go?"

"Umm... sure."

"Why you say it like that."

"What if he don't like me?"

"He's gonna like you. Trust me. Especially since you have a big a** a---"

"Yup I haven't even met him yet and I already know y'all might have a lot in common." I said making us laugh.


"I'm nervous." I said as we were sitting at the table waiting on his dad to come out. I hate the jail house. That's why when I was T-Baby, my number one rule was 'Never Get Caught'. I would do anything to keep from getting caught and ending here. Even if it means framing somebody.

"Don't be nervous." Ricko said rubbing his hand on my thigh.

"Mama is this place for bad people?" Bubba asked looking up at me.

"Um yes baby it is. I don't want you ever coming here ok? It's a very very bad place." I said.

"I promise I won't come here. I no want to." He said making Ricko laugh. Bubba is just too cute but I'm glad he said that. Let's keep it that way.

"Here he come." Ricko said getting up. A man walked towards us with a smile on his face. He didn't even look old though. He looked young. Not that he shouldn't but still.

"Sup Pops." Ricko said hugging him. He had the biggest smile on his face.

"Sup son. You finally came to see your old man two years later huh?"

"My bad."

"It's all good. I get it, you out there living." His dad said and then he saw Kamree, bubba and I. "Dxmn who this sexy woman right here?"

"This is my lady, Tracy." Ricko said as they sat down. His dad was just looking at me.

"Nice to meet you." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it but instead he grabbed it.

"No nice to meet you." He said kissing the back of my hand.

"Pops no." Ricko said giving him a stare.

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