Chapter 14

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I was up in the baby room just thinking of Tracy. Man I missed them lips, I couldn't help myself. I really just missed her, she's even more sexier when she's carrying my baby. After thinking for awhile I took out my phone to text her.


ME: Are you mad?

Tracy: No I just had to leave. I couldn't go through with that.

Me: My bad. I shouldn't have done that.

Tracy: It's cool. Don't sweat it.


I went to check on Bubba and then I went to bed thinking about Tracy.

I woke up and Tracy was by my side.

"Goodmorning baby. I've missed you." She said and she kissed me. I looked at her weird.

"What are you doing here?" I asked and she smiled.

"I missed you. Forget Bryson. I want you baby. I need you." She said and she kissed me. I climbed on top of her making sure I didn't lean on her bump. I started kissing her shoulder blade. "Mmmmm.... Ricko, I need you." She said and I was just about to swim in her ocean until I was interrupted.

"Dad?" I heard bubba say. Waking me up. I was really having a dream about Tracy. Dxmn.


"I'm hungry."

"Ok." I said wiping my face and I went to go freshen up. "You brush your teeth?"

"Yes sir." We went downstairs and Marcy was cooking some food. I looked at my phone and Mia texted me. Saying 'You busy?'

I really wasn't in the mood at the moment. After we got done eating the doorbell went off so I went to answer the door.

"Sup mama. Sup Alysha." I said as they walked in.

"Hey baby." My mama said hugging me.

"Hey Bighead." Alysha said.

"Where the kids?"

"With their daddy."

"Awe is that Bubba." My mama said going to him and hugging him. "I missed you."

"You saw me 3 days ago." He said laughing and making us laugh. "I missed you too."

"What about me?"

"I miss you too." Bubba went to Alysha and gave her a hug.

"Where is Tracy? I want to see her." Alysha said.

"She should be at home."

"Call her and tell her to come here."

"Umm.... Ok." I took out my phone and called Tracy.


Tracy: Hello.

Me: You busy?

Tracy: No why?

Me: Mama and Alysha here. They want to see you.

Tracy: awe I missed them. I'll be there after a while.

Me: Ok


We all sat around talking and Tracy showed up.

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