Mr. Creepypasta

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      The next day Slender and I went to a weird mansion that was scarier than Slender's. Slender knocked on the door and a small animal opened it "Hello Widemouth. It's Mr Creepypasta here?" Slender asked the animal "Yeah. Who's the guy?" Widemouth asked. "This is a girl. She's dressed like a boy for her reasons. She needs help with one of her abilities" Slender said and Wide let us in. Slender and I walked through the house and arrived at a an office. Slender knocked on the door and a deep voice told us to come in. "Hello Mr. Creepypasta. I have come to asked you about..." Slender stopped because Mr. Creepypasta said something "Your here because Jasmine is having trouble with controlling her demon. Am I right?" He said. I was confused on how he knew me. "Yes. This is Jasmine. She's turned into a demon 3 times already. The first time is when she got her powers. Then she turned again when Rake had killed a little boy Jasmine found. Lastly she turned last night when her and Masky went to a petofile's house. The guy had shot Jasmine in the head and attacked Masky but Jas woke up and killed the guy before he had the chance to kill Masky. We found that if we stab her she'll go back to normal but if she gets stabbed to much, could she die?" Slender asked "Most likely. But if she gets stabbed too much, her body will give up but the spirt will still be around. She just had to find a way to regenerate get body and she'll be able to be seen again." Mr. Creepypasta said. I honestly wasn't paying attention to what Mr. CP was saying. I looked around the room and tried to entertain myself while Slender was talking. I just saw books and some other stuff. I noticed the books had the guys named on it and one had mine. "Jasmine. I see you're interested in the books than what we're saying" Mr.C said and I looked at him "Sorry just the books kinda caught my attention. May I ask why the books have the gangs and my name on them?" I asked. Mr. CP walked to a book case and started reading from it. "Jasmine. You were born on July 30th 2003. You have multiple allergies and asthma. You have a mom, dad, older and younger brother. You came here by your Uncle's machine to look for your older brother. You made a deal with Zalgo that he will help you find your brother but it was only a trick to give you a demon. You also have powers that can save the world or destroy it." I was shocked on how the book knows more about me than I know myself. "So, what your saying is that I could most likely blow up the world than save it?" I asked and he nodded. "When is this mission get easier?" I asked myself. "Your going to be able to use your powers easily but first you have to summon them. But since the demon power is not in your control yet" He said as he grabbed something from the cabinets in the room (Note: The room is a giant library. And it's scarier that the time I was watching scary videos with my mom and the scary zombie girl came out)

      ANYWAYS. Once Mr. Creepypasta returned to us he had a shot thing. "Oh heck to the No. Shots hurt and somehow this one's going to help me?" I asked "Didn't you use to take shots when you were younger?" Slender asked "Yeah but that was like 2 years ago. Back at home I'm 14 not 16 like I am here." I said. "All you have to do is stab it in your arm that's turning black and inject the liquid. You'll fall asleep after the first few shots but once your use to the liquid. You'll be able to stay awake but one other thing is that you'll have problems with your vision, hearing, and smelling." Mr. CP said "So, I take the medicine and have temporary problems or not take the medicine and kill everyone" I said and Mr. CP nodded. I looked back at the shot bottles and made my decision "I'll only take it because if I don't Slender would still get it for me." I said and grabbed shots. We said bye to Mr. Creepypasta and went home.

    While we were walking in the woods I noticed some people. Some where like shadows, some were white. Most of them scared me by the way their faces looked. I looked at Slender and wondered why he couldn't see them, besides the fact that he has no eyes. "Slender. There are people here that are kinda scaring me." I said. "I don't see anything" He said "Maybe because... I don't know... YOU DON'T HAVE EYES?! SAME THING WITH EJ. HE WAS READING AND HE DOESN'T HAVE EYES!" I yelled. "I can sense a person's spirit. Since these woods have killers living in them, spirits of killed people still roam." He said. "And can anyone see them?" I asked getting a bit closer to Slender as some of the spirits stayed getting closer. "Only people with that ability can see ghost. Why are you asking these questions?" He asked. I still looked around as the ghost surrounded us. "What if I told you that the ghost are surrounding us as if their going to hurt us" I said still looked at the ghost "They can't hurt us" Slender said "Can't we teleport home?" I asked "We're almost there." He said. I watch the ghost carefully making sure they don't come closer. But the more I watched them the more I got scared. One had small, black pupils, long black hair, and a white dress. I grabbed Slender's arm and hugged him. Then the ghost jumped scared me in the face. I screamed and jumped up a near by tree like a cat that just saw a cucumber. I sat on a branch and hugged the tree. "Jasmine. Do you want me to teleport us to the mansion?" Slender asked as he faced where I was. I held my eyes shut and hugged the tree but I nodded quickly. Slender grabbed me with his tenticals and teleported us to my room. I still held Slender and he tossed me on my bed. "Like Mr. Creepypasta said your powers will grow while you are here. Now I'll go make dinner and please try to calm yourself before coming down" Slender said and left the room. I laid on my bed and hid my face in the pillows. I tried to get that memory of the jump scare or of my head. I wanted to go to the living room and hang with the others for a while but I was too scared to lift my head up and get a face full of ghost. I then heard a knock on my door and I quickly turned into a boy. The door opened, closed quickly, and something say on my bed. "Jake? Slender said you can use a distraction so here I am" a high voice said and I moved my head up to see LJ. "Oh, hey LJ." I said "What happened when you and Slender went out?" He asked "We went somewhere to ask someone about my powers. And on our way back I was able to see ghost. This ghost scared me and I freaked out" I said "Ohhhh. So your like Hoodie" LJ said "No Hoodie's alot braver than I am" I said still having my face in the pillow "Well, seeing ghost isn't anyone's ability here so I guess I can't say anyone is braver than that" LJ said and I chuckled "Hey you wanna know what happened when you two were gone?" LJ asked and I nodded "Okay so, Splendor, Sally and I were outside and EJ comes out with a plate of organs. Splendor looked at the plate and asked where EJ got them. So EJ says he got them from this person across town and he starts to eat the organs. Splendor asked why EJ was eating them and Sally asked Splendor if he knew what they were. Splendor says there weird balloons but once Sally told him they were organs he passed out. And Toby and Masky come out and sees Splendor on the floor and asked if we killed him. Then I say 'no but I have an idea what we can do with him~' Sally got confused and Toby just started to laugh his butt off." LJ said and I started laughing. "Thanks LJ you really cheered my up" I said "Anytime kiddo" LJ said and left the room.

After dinner, everyone had went to bed but little did I know I was going to have the nightmare of a life time.

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