The cabin

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My pov
    I found a old cabin in the woods and made a choice to sleep there till morning. I grabbed my pajamas and put them on and laid on the bed. I staired at the celling and I had a bug on me and flicked it off my hand and water came from my fingers. I started to play with the water and the water turned into light. I was amazed on what I was capable of doing. I grabbed my journal and wrote down what happened today.

Water: Sad
Ghost: Scared
Light: Happy

        I put the journal in my bag and fell asleep in the bed.

??? pov

     Me and Jeff were walking in the woods looking for the kid Slendy had told us about. I couldn't believe Masky and Hoodie got played by someone younger than them. "So Jeff, we're do you think the kids at?" I asked "Well we'll check the cabin close to the river and maybe he'd be there" He said as we continue walking. "So since we're out here do you wanna..." I said but Jeff interrupted  "Don't get creepy Toby" He said "I was just gonna ask if you wanna play 'I spy?" I said and Jeff sighed. "Fine you go" He said "Okay I spy the cabin" I said and I ran to it. I looked through the window and saw a body on the bed. "If that's the kid, you can't kill it." I said "Yeah yeah just keep watch for anyone" Jeff said and I looked around. He climbed into the window and walked to the body. He held his knife and hit the kid in the head with the handle. "OW!" The kid yelled an jolted up, his eyes were red and he attacked Jeff. I jumped in to help. The kid fought hard, when Jeff pined him to the ground, the kid's fist was on fire and Jeff seemed to notice. The kid got his arm free and his fist turned from fire to... electricity. The kid punched Jeff in the side and Jeff hit the kid in the head again. Once the kid passed out, Jeff tried to get you but he couldn't. "You okay Jeff?" I asked and he nodded. He stood up, we grabbed the kid and went home.


I Found HimWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt