Not ready for this

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         I made the decision to go find my older brother and it's a huge risk I'm taking because Uncle Kevin said I wouldn't be able to see my family or my friends no more or not until I finish my mission. I packed a backpack with clothes, my phone and charger, a journal, food, water, and the neckless Uncle Kevin gave me. He said in the neckless, has one power and that's fire. I can gain other earth elements by emotions (weird). Soon after I packed my stuff I said bye to my mom, dad, and my little brother. My friends rode with me to my Uncle's house and we laugh in the car all the way. Soon we arrived at the house and we walked inside. Uncle Kevin took us to the basement but he tried to turn the machine on to take me to other world's and it didn't work. So me and my friends stayed at the house for the night, while Uncle K worked on the machine. The boys were in a different room and so me, Jade and Ileana had a room with 3 beds for each of us. "You nervous Jas?" Jade asked "Kinda, what if I never come back home? What if I make the mistake he did here? And all of you guys will go on with your lives without me." I said and everyone stayed silent. "Just do your best on whatever comes at you and you'll be fine and you'll never make his mistake" Ileana said as she laid in the guest bed. "I'm so not ready for this" I said and hid me head in my knees as I sat on my bed. "Stop whining and woman up. You going to be home before you know what happened." Ileana said "I hope your right. Night" I said and we went to sleep.

(Author: sorry it's a short chapter. I had no other way to continue the rest of the night)

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