What I got into

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My pov

I have no idea what happened! First I was in bed, then I end up being attacked, last I pass out. What a good way to start the mission.

I woke up in a unfamiliar bed and a sharp pain in my head. I looked around the room to find no one with me. I looked into a mirror that was next to the bed. I still had my hood up and my mask was in the night stand. I took my hood off and fixed my hair. Now my hair was black and so were my eyes, me hair was longer than before. It's now to the bottom of my back. I rubbed my eyes and tried to look for a way out. Then the door opened, I pulled my hood back up and pretended to be asleep. "I know your awake, child." A voice said. I slowly looked at the person, he was tall, had a tuxedo, and no face. I was scared and I turned into a ghost. "How could you do that?" He asked and I didn't say anything. "No need to be afraid, I won't hurt you." He said and I calmed down. "How did you change the color of your eyes?" He asked. I looked into the mirror and saw the ends of my hair was green. I grabbed my journal of my bag and wrote down what I think happens with my eyes and powers and my emotions.

Water (blue): Sad
Ghost (white): Scared
Light/electricity (yellow): Happy
Fire (Red): Mad
Calm (Green): Calm
? (Orange): ?
? (Black): Okay
? (Purple): ?
? (Pink): ?

I put the journal away and looked at the man. "I'm Slenderman. What's your name and I know your a girl. If you stay you'll be part of my proxy." He said "I'm Jasmine and can you keep a secret that I am a girl? It's just I don't want to be treated differently here and if I stay can you help me with something?" I said. "What is it?" Slender asked "I'm searching for someone important to me and I don't want any one else to know until I can fully trust them" I said and Slender thought for a second. "Okay but what are you going to do with your hair and figure? The others will figure out your a girl." Slender said "I'll figure out my figure but do you have any scissors?" I asked and he gave me some. I measured my hair to my neck and fixed my bangs. I looked like a boy with my face and I grabbed bandages from my bag and went into the bathroom that was in the room and fixed my figure.

I came out of the bathroom and walked to Slender

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I came out of the bathroom and walked to Slender. (I looked like the picture above and I picture the story like an anime) "Okay let me get the others in here so they can meet you" Slender said. Soon the room had people in it. "Okay this is..." Slender stopped and looked at me "I'm Jake" I said in a boy voice. "I'm Ben Drowned" A link look alike said. "Ha I'm Laughing Jack, want some candy?" A black and white clown asked. "No!" Everyone yelled. "I'm Toby" a boy with a mouth guard and goggles said. "I'm Masky and this is Hoodie." The boys that attacked my earlyer said. "I'm Jeff the killer" a boy with a white face and a cut smile said "I'm Sally" a cute little girl with blood on her forehead and a torn pink dress. "I'm Eyeless Jack but call my EJ" a boy with a blue mask said. "Okay everyone your dismissed" Slender said and everyone left the room. "Alright Jas, we have your room next door, follow me." Slender said and I followed him. When he opened the door the whole room was white. "Sorry I didn't do anything to it, your arrival was unexpected" Slender said. "It's okay, I need the room to look like a boys room anyways. I'll think of a way to decorate it." I said. Slender left the room and I looked at everything. Then my amulet glew and color came from it.

The walls were a dark red, the flooring was already wood, the bed covers were black and the closet had clothes that boys wear

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The walls were a dark red, the flooring was already wood, the bed covers were black and the closet had clothes that boys wear. I liked the way the room looked but my magic is contained in the necklace? I didn't really wanna think about it so I locked the door, changed and went to bed.

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