In the woods

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I said bye to my friends and I  teleporter to a dark woods that gave me an uneasy feeling. I wore a black hoodie, jeans and black shoes. I had a mask that my Uncle let me have.

      I pulled my hoodie over my head to cover my hair and I put the mask on to cover my face

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      I pulled my hoodie over my head to cover my hair and I put the mask on to cover my face. I walked through the woods to try to find the exit or at least a road. As I walked I felt something behind me but I tried to shake it off and focus on where my brother would be. Then something snapped behind me and I turned to see a person with a light brown jacket, white mask, and a... crobar? I slowly walked back wards and hope the person will leave me alone. When I backed up I hit something, I turned to see what I hit and saw another person with an orange hoodie, red eyes and frown mask, and had a gun. I backed away from the orange guy and looked at the one with a crobar. The one with a gun pointed it at me and the one with the crobar grabbed me. I panicked and tried to break from his grip. Then just as the person in orange shot a bullet, I closed my eyes, waiting for the impact but it never came. When I opened my eyes the bullet somehow hit the guy that was holding me. I looked at my hands and saw they were invisible like a ghost. The orange guy looked confused and tried to attack me but he just ran through me. Him and the other guy crashed and hit the ground. I wanted to laugh but I tried not to. I turned away from the boys and ran off. 'Sorry boys but your gonna have to try harder to catch this chick' I thought and went deeper into the woods.

??? pov

I didn't understand what happened. One moment that kid was in my arms and the next a bullet was in my arm and the kid was like a ghost. Me and my partner walked home to tell the boss on what had happen. As we entered the house me and my partner walked to our bosses office. "Knock knock" "Come in" I opened the door and me and my friend walked in. "So how was the mission" boss said as we sat down. "Well we had a problem. You see, the kid was in my arms and Hoodie was about to shoot him but the bullet went through the kid and hit me. The kid turned into a ghost. Is that possible?" I asked "Could be. How did the child look?" Boss asked "He had a black hoodie, a mask (picture above) and his eyes turned from black to white." I said "Intresting. I'll look after the child. Now you two are dismissed. Tell Jeff and Toby to come here" boss said
"Yes sir"

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