Call x Aaron: Alone

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This chapter is dedicated to @InfinityRockSailor for the suggestion to do a calron headcanon 😁 (sorry for the really late update)

These characters and this universe does not belong to me. Everything belongs to Holly Black and Cassandra Clare.

Calls POV





All those insults that bothered him before seem like nothing but shots form a water gun a long time a go. From the childhood free of magic. Free from mages. Free from suffering. At this point Call would rather hear those insults over and over again and would probably thank them for normalcy. Call tried to stand but couldn't. Held back by the metaphorical chains that his own teachers, people he thought he could've trusted, had placed upon him. Call shook his head as he slumped back into his kneeling position on the cell wall, the grey walls of mold seeming to mock him. In frustration and anger he stood up and yelled curses to the gray walls which held no response for all his pent up rage. "Ok thats enough" Call thought.

He thought about the previous events and thought about all the people who betrayed him. Alex, the professors, himself. He had led his friends along this crazy journey because they were stuck with him as apprentices and knew who he really was, Tamara was probably feeling guilty as heck and was probably feeling incredibly alone because of how Alex used her and Aaron. Especially Aaron. His counterweight. Apprentice. Fellow makar. Best friend, love- wait what? Call stopped himself and thought "Oh my gosh. I loved Aaron. "

Call mulled over this recent discovery which seemed to pile on to his list of other effed up things he had discovered himself (him being the big EOD being number 1 obviously) then decided to stop. Whats the point of loving someone when they're dead. He sighed, as he thought back to the scene from the forest again for what felt like the millionth time: A cry came from above what was left of the village.

"There!" someone shouted. Among the trees, Call could see floating spheres. The mages had gone looking for them after all, just like they'd looked for Drew that night. And they'd been too late again. Always too late.

Master North, Master Rufus, Alma, and several other Masters ran into the clearing. North and the others were gaping around at the devastation, at the chunks of earth that were simply gone, the collapsed houses and destroyed trees. But Rufus — Rufus was looking at Aaron. Pushing aside the others, he rushed to Aaron's body, falling to one knee to feel for a pulse.

Call knew he wouldn't find one. There was no Aaron anymore. No counterweight to his own soul. Just this feeling of emptiness, the feeling that something had been ripped away from him that could never be replaced.

He understood now how Constantine Madden could have wanted to tear down the world once his brother was gone.

Aaron was a lot more than his brother, his only loyal friend in this cruel world (besides Tamara of course), his- everything. and now he's gone.

Call felt like crying. He felt like screaming but he couldn't do anything except feel numb and just lie there until the mages decided to take his life to, maybe then he could join Aaron and get away from this shithole of a world Oh dang cursing . I mean I won't see Tamara for a long time but I probably won't see her anymore anyway he thought.He stared at his hands and thought "If only I could summon the elements now and just turn them into some kind of supernova maybe I could kill myself then I could finally join Aaron."He clenched his fists at the thought of seeing beautiful green eyes and wavy blond hair again" as he thought of Aaron the thought seemed to give him a pounding headache, for a split second he saw a different scene. He saw the scene of what looked like the magisterium nurse office and his vision was fuzzy and his muscles were stiff with pain but the feeling was gone after he lost concentration. Call was confused as the pain subsided. Did thinking about Aaron trigger something? Before he could mull over it more he heard steps coming down the stairs at an unfamiliar rhythm, not a guard. Anastasia tarquin. "Come closer." She said.

Aaron's POV
Aaron stirred and woke up, head pounding and muscles aching. He felt like he had been sleeping under a heavy weight and had lost all feeling in all five of his senses. He knew he was dead for sometime but somehow the universe gave him a second chance at life. His eyes took a while to adjust to the environment but when he did he instantly regretted it. His head pounded from seeing colour again and his other senses were just catching up. He never thought the school nurse office as a bright place but he felt like everywhere he looked he was staring at the sun. He could feel his muscles twitching as if he had been paralysed but was now recovering. Somehow he had survived Alex's attack but he had no clue how. He thought back to his death and when he was shot the last thing he remembered thinking was "I'm sorry for leaving you Call" before his heart had stopped beating. He thought of Call all the way until the end as if he were the rope that was holding him until he slipped off the cliff. Yet somehow he caught that rope again but he had no clue who was the one who pulled him back.

Aaron finally felt he had enough strength to sit up and take in his surroundings. He was in the nurses office in the magisterium in a weird corner which was covered and he knew what it was, he grimaced it was the area where they kept recently deceased mages before the funeral. Finally the thought hit him oh god. Call. Did the mages finally know? He felt himself full with resolve as he thought of Call and was determined to get back to him but as soon as he tried to stand up colours spun in front of his eyes and all his muscles failed him. Woah their Aaron he thought to himself you were literally dead five minutes ago.

As he gave himself some time to recover he thought of Call and chuckled to himself. That emotionally disconnected dude that was his best friend and love. He thought back to the day they first met and how he had instantly fallen for the mysterious guy with the brooding yet mischievous nature and the wise guy humour. He smiled at the thought of hearing Calls sarcasm again, seeing his long messy hair cover his eyes, hiding their secrets and the rare moment when he would smile and Aaron felt his love for his best friend blossom into something one million times more powerful. Suddenly Aaron's vision swirled in front of him and he saw a different scene in front of him. His perspective showed a cell with blank walls all around except for one barred wall which he assumed was how guards brought food and water to the prisoner. The prisoner?! Aaron was many things but one thing he wasn't was stupid and realised that he was seeing a scene from Calls eyes. Right then he realised what had kept him from dying. It was his connection to Call as his counterweight and the strong emotional bond they shared. He always thought that he harboured more feelings than Call did but apparently that feeling was reciprocated. That strong emotional bond was the rope that pulled him back from the cliff, Call as the balancing weight on the lifeline bringing Aaron back to life. Filled with new resolve and strength now soon discovering this he managed to get up from his deathbed and went to find Tamara and together they were going to get their best friend and his love back.

This is a really bad headcanon I'm sorry 😅 I tried okay :p

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2017 ⏰

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